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第一百一十九章 新来的主管 2(2 / 2)

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“Rain please tell me now does that seem fair. For her to steal my heart away .when she don't care I can't love another when my heart's somewhere far away. Rain won't you tell her that I love her so.”


“please ask the sun to set her heart a glow, Rain in her heart, And let the love we know start to grow oh, listen to the falling rain pitter-patter, pitter patter.Listen, listen to the falling rain.”


这时听主管说到:“雨中的旋律,the rhythm of the rain.这是我最喜欢的一首歌,好吧,我先来自我介绍一下,我是你们新来的主管,我叫卫兰,你们也可以叫我Linda。我想各位员工也有英文名字,这样,我们在工作中可以更加的亲近一些。”

原来新来的主管叫卫兰,也叫Linda,员工也都在想着怎么介绍自己,大屏幕上的雨还在下着,剧中人还在躲着雨,音乐停了下来,是有人在切歌,切了一首好听的金曲:“when I am down and, oh my soul, so weary.when troubles e and my heart burdened be. then, I am still and wait here in the silence. Until you e and sit while with me.”


“You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains。You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas.I am strong, when I am on your shoulders, You raise me up。 to more than I can be.”


是一首“you raise me up”,你鼓舞了我,大家都听得入迷了,都快忘记了自我介绍,思云边听,边想着自我介绍,在心里想着该怎么说,才会让自己给新来的主管,留下一个好的印象。”

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