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享受人生的每一刻时光(1 / 1)

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第102章 享受人生的每一刻时光

1 he was a buddhist in metaphysics, and knew that life was a temporary expression of something else, an eternal spirit in a temporary carcass, but he could never accept the thesis that life was a burden and a misery—not quite. At least for himself, he enjoyed every moment he lived.


2 metaphysically he was hindu, but temperamentally he was chinese. out of the buddhist faith to annihilate life, the confucian faith to live it, and the taoist faith to simplify it, a new amalgam was formed in the crucible of the poet’s mind and perceptions.


3 of this living, he was only a particle in a temporary manifestation of the eternal, and it really did not matter very much which particle he happened to be. So life was after all eternal and good, and he enjoyed it. that was part of the secret of the gay genius.


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