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第7章 决战7(1 / 2)

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\\\Not a second after hitting the ground, Gohan jumped back up and charged at him with murderous intent.\\\


piccolo raised his arm and engulfed his hand with a raging, violently sparking Ki.


Gohan stopped in his tracks, knowing that in his injured state, he had no hope of surviving such an attack.


\\\what do you want from me?!\\\ his jaw hung open, bouncing up and down from his turmoil.


\\\I\\u0027ll give you that dragon ball,\\\ piccolo stated, \\\but only if you successfully plete training under me.\\\


Gohan was so flummoxed, he calmed down.


\\\what do you mean?\\\


\\\did I stutter, kid?\\\


Gohan derided the Namekian just with his fierce, black eyes.


\\\what could I possibly get out of training with you?\\\


contempt twisted piccolo\\u0027s features.


\\\plenty, if you don\\u0027t plan on wishing back even more people in the future.\\\




\\\Since my other question was apparently too hard, just answer me this.


do you remember how your father\\u0027s Ki felt when you sensed him using the Kaio-Ken technique?\\\


Gohan blinked in surprise, but looked down as he searched his memories.


\\\It didn\\u0027t feel like it was going up, like normal,\\\ Gohan tried explaining.


\\\It was just more intense, like it was moving really fast.\\\


\\\Exactly,\\\ piccolo replied.


\\\when your father came back from the after-life with that trick and thoroughly embarrassed me, I spent months figuring out how he could basically cheat his power to reach new heights out of thin air.\\\


Gohan nodded; he was preaching to the choir.


And he suspected Vegeta was agonizing over the exact same thing.


\\\one day, it hit me: it was all in his mind.


Your father doesn\\u0027t have a single thought going on in that head of his, but that\\u0027s what grants him perfect control over his power.


his mind can manipulate his Ki to do whatever his body can withstand.\\\


\\\because he has a clear head.


\\\ Gohan mused aloud, digging back nine years into the past when he tried teaching himself about Ki on planet Zuna.




It\\u0027s one thing to simply be aware of how to control your Ki, but it\\u0027s another thing to master it.\\\


Gohan could feel the scrutiny in piccolo\\u0027s eyes from across.


\\\wielding a technique like the Kaio-Ken requires a perfect grip on your consciousness, and yours is quite frankly pathetic.\\\


\\\hey!\\\ Gohan snapped, approaching piccolo in warning.


\\\Not exactly proving me wrong,\\\ piccolo snickered.


Gohan grumbled and stepped back.



he may have taken offense to the wording, but it was painfully accurate.


\\\For years, I thought of Ki as nothing more than a source of power.


but it\\u0027s more than that – it\\u0027s the very essence of your being.


that\\u0027s why your power sometimes rises with anger.


that\\u0027s why it\\u0027s probably harder to wield when you\\u0027re rattled.\\\


Gohan had certainly known the feeling, whether it meant people he should have sensed slipping past his notice, or his own Ki\\u0027s erratic fluctuations.


piccolo raised three of his clawed fingers.


\\\I surmise there are three tenants of Ki – the raw power, your determination, and your knowledge of self.


with your mind as fractured as it is, not only is your sense of self out of sorts, but a whole third of your full power is out of reach.\\\


Gohan\\u0027s heart skipped a beat.


It made that much of a difference? Even beyond just being more aware of the energy around him, it would improve his own power?


\\\but this isn\\u0027t about making you stronger; that\\u0027s merely a side effect.


this is about making sure you don\\u0027t snap and kill everyone, because as much as I hate to admit it, you\\u0027re entirely too strong for any of us to deal with when you\\u0027re 100%.\\\


\\\I didn\\u0027t just do that out of the blue,\\\ Gohan snarled.


\\\It was.



a transformation.








he stopped himself, gnawing his teeth against each other.


Lying out loud like that and ducking responsibility for his actions brought him physical pain.


he despised either of piccolo\\u0027s assessments of his character equally, but only because they were the cold truth.


\\\Altered your mind? made you snap?\\\ piccolo asked, finishing Gohan\\u0027s tenuous argument for him.




that makes sense.

\\\ but if you had perfect control, that wouldn\\u0027t have happened when you transformed, would it?\\\




Gohan winced, conceding piccolo\\u0027s point.


\\\Imagine you could use that form of yours without worrying about destroying the entire planet.


\\\ piccolo raised his right hand like he was emitting a projection of the path ahead.


\\\I imagine it would make your path towards Frieza run far smoother.\\\


\\\Sure,\\\ Gohan stammered, unable to part with his hesitation.


\\\but how long will this take?\\\


\\\that\\u0027s all on you.


\\\ the worst answer.


he stared at the ground in a panic.


\\\but we have no idea when Frieza will show up.


For all I know, he and his army could touch down tomorrow.\\\


Gohan\\u0027s body shook at the thought.


\\\I can\\u0027t.


I can\\u0027t spend all that time on just one thing.


And I can\\u0027t keep Lapis and the others waiting.\\\


\\\And I don\\u0027t want to waste time that could be spent training on babysitting Son Goku\\u0027s cursed brat either.\\\


the \\\cursed brat\\\ growled in warning, though piccolo responded evenly.


\\\but what if I told you there was a room where time and space operated differently from the rest of the universe?\\\


\\\what? time and space.


\\\ Gohan didn\\u0027t even know where to begin.


\\\Up in the heavenly realm, in the lookout where my other half presides over the world, there\\u0027s a room known as the hyperbolic time chamber.


A whole year in there is only a single day out here.\\\


For a quick second, Gohan\\u0027s brain went black.

一 瞬 间 ,悟 饭 的 大 脑 一 片 空 白 。

Yet again, he expected to wake up at any moment.

然 而 ,他 又 一 次 期 待 着 随 时 醒 来 。

piccolo snickered at his bewilderment.

皮 克 罗 对 他 的 困 惑 嗤 笑 一 声 。

\\\of course, that old bastard would sooner die than let me show my face in his sanctuary let alone use one of his facilities. but I\\u0027m sure with the stakes and you being his golden boy\\u0027s son, he\\u0027ll make an exception.\\\

“当 然 ,那 个 老 混 蛋 宁 可 去 死 ,也 不 会 让 我 在 他 的 圣 地 里 出 现 ,更 不 用 说 使 用 他 的 任 何 设 施 了 。但 我 肯 定 ,在 这 种 情 况 下 ,而 且 你 是 他 的 金 发 儿 子 的 儿 子 ,他 会 做 出 例 外 。”

\\\An entire year...?\\\

Gohan absent-mindedly muttered.

“整 整 一 年 吗 …?”悟 饭 心 不 在 焉 地 喃 喃 自 语 。

\\\I don\\u0027t want your pany for a whole year any more than you want mine,\\\ piccolo said. \\\but if you want Lapis and the folks in west city to stay dead, then that\\u0027s on you.\\\

“我 不 想 和 你 一 起 呆 上 整 整 一 年 ,就 像 你 也 不 想 和 我 一 样 。”皮 克 罗 说 道 。“但 是 如 果 你 希 望 拉 比 斯 和 西 都 的 人 能 继 续 保 持 死 亡 ,那 就 由 你 来 决 定 。”

\\\I didn\\u0027t say I wouldn\\u0027t do it,\\\ Gohan sneered. \\\I don\\u0027t have many options, do I?\\\

“我 没 说 我 不 会 这 么 做 。”悟 饭 冷 笑 道 。“我 可 没 有 太 多 选 择 ,是 吧 ?”

In truth, Gohan desperately yearned for a sense of inner peace.

事 实 上 ,悟 饭 非 常 渴 望 一 种 内 心 的 平 静 。

he wouldn\\u0027t hold his breath on a guy like piccolo ever getting him there, but he had to at least give it a shot.

他 并 不 抱 太 大 希 望 皮 克 罗 这 样 的 家 伙 能 帮 他 实 现 目 标 ,但 他 至 少 要 试 一 试 。

\\\well, follow me, then.\\\

“那 么 ,跟 我 来 。”

piccolo blasted into the sky.

皮 克 罗 向 天 空 中 猛 冲 而 去 。

part of Gohan still wanted to get him back for humiliating him, but he supposed regulating his emotions would be a crucial ponent of his training.

悟 饭 的 一 部 分 仍 然 想 报 复 皮 克 罗 羞 辱 他 的 行 为 ,但 他 想 到 控 制 情 绪 将 是 他 训 练 的 重 要 组 成 部 分 。

he took a deep breath, begrudgingly following the direction of his apparent new \\\master.\\\

他 深 吸 了 一 口 气 ,勉 强 地 跟 随 着 这 个 看 似 新 的 “师 父 ”的 方 向 前 进 。

he caught up with piccolo quickly, stopping once they were parallel.

他 很 快 就 追 上 了 皮 克 罗 ,一 旦 他 们 并 排 停 下 来 。

As they flew, he probed the Namekian with his gaze.

随 着 飞 行 ,他 用 目 光 审 视 着 这 位 纳 美 克 人 。

most of what he\\u0027d known about piccolo came from stories his father told that he could barely remember.

他 对 皮 克 罗 的 了 解 大 部 分 来 源 于 他 父 亲 所 讲 述 的 几 乎 已 经 记 不 清 的 故 事 。

\\\Something\\u0027s been bugging me for a while,\\\ Gohan said.

“有 件 事 困 扰 我 已 经 有 一 段 时 间 了 ,”悟 饭 说 道 。

piccolo tilted his head towards him.

皮 克 罗 将 头 歪 向 他 。

\\\If you actually managed to kill my father and have this whole planet to yourself, then how the hell did any of his friends live long enough to wish him back? the bad guy won.\\\

“如 果 你 真 的 杀 了 我 父 亲 ,并 且 拥 有 了 整 个 星 球 ,那 么 他 的 任 何 朋 友 怎 么 活 得 够 久 ,才 能 许 愿 让 他 复 活 ?坏 人 赢 了 。”

Even from the side, Gohan could see the contempt in piccolo\\u0027s face.

即 使 从 侧 面 看 ,悟 饭 也 能 看 出 皮 克 罗 脸 上 的 鄙 视 。

\\\For one thing, those twins were still far ahead of me at that point.


they weren\\u0027t really on anybody\\u0027s side back then, but least of all mine.


And besides...\\\


piccolo growled low in his throat, catching Gohan by surprise.


\\\that was no victory.


that bastard\\u0027s own body defeated him, not me.


All I did was expedite his trip to the afterlife.\\\


Gohan nodded.


If there was anything he understood, it was a warrior\\u0027s spirit.

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