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第11章 决战11(1 / 2)

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\\\So what will you do then, Gohan?\\\ piccolo asked, looking out into the cold ether. \\\Everyone\\u0027s waiting. Frieza\\u0027s waiting. Are you going to go back out into the depths and face your worst fear? or will you just keep hiding from it until it catches up and consumes you?\\\


Gohan stared at his hands. Frost was sprinkled up and down his palms and his fingers – it all felt real, yet he still didn\\u0027t know if he was simply imagining it, either.


\\\It\\u0027s…just too much.\\\


piccolo shrugged and sat down cross-legged.


\\\then we\\u0027re just going to be stuck here until you do. Frozen in place, for lack of a better term.\\\


Gohan tugged at a strand of his unkempt hair. how much longer could he allow himself to be a slave to the ice?


bulma sat down on her bed, taking a much-needed mid-day smoke break when she heard a rumbling outside her balcony door. when she stepped outside, she smiled with surprise and glee at the helmet-hidden woman in the motorcycle hovering above.


\\\tights! Long time, no see!\\\


the woman pulled her helmet from her head, revealing her cropped blonde hair and face that looked uncannily similar to bulma\\u0027s. She was tights, bulma\\u0027s older sister.


\\\Sheesh, between you and mom I don\\u0027t know why I\\u0027m so nervous about aging,\\\ bulma said, marveling at her sister\\u0027s ceaselessly youthful face.


tights laughed and hopped off the bike. \\\Keep smoking and you oughta be.\\\


with a cringe, bulma swiped her cigarette to the ground and stepped on it. \\\So, what brings you back here? omori\\u0027s island getting dull?\\\


As she capsulized her motorcycle, tights groaned. \\\I\\u0027ve got serious writer\\u0027s

block, so I figured doing some traveling would help. what better way to get my mind moving than talking with my genius of a sister?\\\


\\\Let\\u0027s chat in the kitchen! trust me, everything that\\u0027s been going on lately will give you material for a whole franchise,\\\ bulma said, turning towards the door.


\\\Nice to see your city rebuilding itself,\\\ tights observed. \\\but didn\\u0027t you say those giant monkey attacks were done with after your buddy got rid of his tail?\\\


\\\oh, it\\u0027s a looooong story.\\\


A half-hour later, the two sisters were sitting at the kitchen table, laughing with a coffee mug in each hand.


\\\man, sorry again about the Galactic patrol not being any help for finding your friend\\u0027s son,\\\ tights said. \\\As soon as I said the word \\u0027Saiyan,\\u0027 Jaco pretended his signal went bad. At least the kid\\u0027s back now.\\\


\\\to be honest, if Goku really had found him somehow, he\\u0027d have been a dead man,\\\ bulma replied. \\\those Saiyans were ruthless and way stronger than just about anybody here.\\\


tights restlessly nodded. \\\You\\u0027re tellin\\u0027 me. You wouldn\\u0027t believe the stories I\\u0027ve…\\\


her sister\\u0027s sentence fell to the wayside, jaw sinking as she looked up.


\\\Good golly miss molly…\\\


bulma was confused until she turned around. Vegeta had just walked into the kitchen and to the refrigerator, shirtless with his scarred and chiseled physique on full display. he turned away from the refrigerator with a curious gaze at tights, who stared at him like a big piece of chicken.


through sheer willpower, tights pried her eyes away from Vegeta and to her sister. \\\Is this your new man? Sheesh, talk about an upgrade from Yamcha. don\\u0027t get me wrong, Yamcha\\u0027s a nice-looking guy, but…\\\


\\\he\\u0027s not,\\\ bulma giggled, though when she realized she had to stop herself from saying \\u0027I wish,\\u0027 her face went pale. where had that even e from?


\\\this is Vegeta.\\\ She turned towards the Saiyan and pointed at tights. \\\And Vegeta, this is tights, my big



\\\wait, Vegeta?!\\\ tights shrieked. her admiration became trepidation. \\\As in, the Saiyan so notorious in space that the villain of my most popular novel was based on stories that I heard about him, Vegeta?\\\


Naturally, Vegeta responded with a devilish smile. \\\Appears I have a fan club.\\\


while bulma rolled her eyes, tights pulled bulma into a huddle and shrugged. \\\hey, get it how you can, I guess.\\\


\\\I\\u0027m not getting anything,\\\ bulma corrected, though she couldn\\u0027t help but giggle. 我 什 么 也 没 听 到 ,\\\布 尔 玛 纠 正 道 ,尽 管 她 情 不 自 禁 地 咯 咯 笑 起 来 。

\\\when the hell does your father plan on building those bots?\\\ Vegeta asked, drinking orange juice straight out the carton to bulma\\u0027s chagrin. \\\你 老 爸 到 底 打 算 什 么 时 候 建 造 那 些 机 器 人 ?\\\贝 吉 塔 问 道 ,他 一 边 喝 着 盒 子 里 的 橙 汁 ,布 尔 玛 感 到 非 常 不 悦 。

\\\It\\u0027s been less than a day. And you should be walking around with eyes in the back of your head after your little stunt yesterday, anyway,\\\ bulma warned, though Vegeta grunted in dismissal. \\\还 不 到 一 天 。而 且 昨 天 你 那 小 把 戏 之 后 ,你 应 该 时 刻 保 持 警 惕 ,\\\布 尔 玛 警 告 道 ,尽 管 贝 吉 塔 嗯 了 一 声 不 屑 一 顾 。

\\\wait a minute,\\\ tights said as Vegeta was leaving. \\\I think your buddy\\u0027s kid is wanted for killing a Galactic patrolman.\\\ 当 贝 吉 塔 准 备 离 开 时 ,泰 茨 说 道 :\\\等 一 下 ,我 觉 得 你 朋 友 的 孩 子 被 通 缉 了 ,他 杀 了 一 个 银 河 巡 警 。\\\

Vegeta stopped and turned back around, intrigue in his eyes. 贝 吉 塔 停 下 脚 步 ,转 身 回 头 ,眼 中 闪 烁 着 好 奇 。

\\\oh yeah, you did mention something about that, right Vegeta?\\\ bulma asked. \\\哦 对 了 ,你 确 实 提 到 过 这 件 事 ,对 吧 ,贝 吉 塔 ?\\\布 尔 玛 问 道 。

\\\I was the one who killed him, actually,\\\ Vegeta bluntly replied, making tights shiver. \\\事 实 上 ,是 我 杀 了 他 ,\\\贝 吉 塔 直 截 了 当 地 回 答 道 ,让 泰 茨 感 到 颤 栗 。

\\\And besides, it\\u0027s not like they\\u0027re a threat,\\\ Vegeta added with a dismissive tone. \\\而 且 ,他 们 并 不 构 成 威 胁 ,\\\贝 吉 塔 补 充 道 ,带 着 一 种 不 屑 的 语 气 。

\\\those guys would sooner eviscerate themselves than fight us.\\\ 他 们 宁 愿 自 己 剖 腹 而 不 愿 与 我 们 战 斗 。

\\\I dunno, from what Jaco told me one of his coworkers is pushing the case really hard.\\\ tights rubbed her chin in thought. \\\我 不 知 道 ,根 据 Jaco告 诉 我 的 ,他 的 一 个 同 事 非 常 努 力 推 动 这 个 案 件 。\\\ 泰 茨 沉 思 着 摩 挲 着 她 的 下 巴 。

\\\I think his name was mango? but maybe they\\u0027re confident they can handle it.\\\ \\\我 想 他 叫 mango?但 也 许 他 们 有 信 心 能 处 理 好 。\\\

\\\Foolish is more like it,\\\ Vegeta scoffed. \\\tell your friend that if he really wants us, he can have us as long as he\\u0027s ready to stop breathing.\\\ \\\简 直 愚 蠢 ,\\\贝 吉 塔 嗤 之 以 鼻 。 \\\告 诉 你 的 朋 友 ,如 果 他 真 的 想 找 我 们 麻 烦 ,他 可 以 得 到 我 们 ,只 要 他 准 备 好 停 止 呼 吸 。

on that grim note, Vegeta left. 在 那 沉 闷 的 氛 围 中 ,贝 吉 塔 离 开 了 。

tights waited for his footsteps to fade from earshot before she wearily huffed air. \\\Sheesh. I know I was swooning over him a minute ago, but are you sure you\\u0027re fortable being around a guy like that? he has…quite the body count, to say the least.\\\ 泰 茨 等 待 着 他 的 脚 步 声 渐 行 渐 远 ,然 后 疲 惫 地 叹 了 口 气 。 \\\唉 ,我 知 道 刚 才 我 还 对 他 倾 心 ,但 你 确 定 你 能 和 这 样 一 个 人 待 在 一 起 吗 ?至 少 可 以 说 他 杀 人 无 数 。

\\\Yeah, and he\\u0027ll never miss a moment to brag about it,\\\ bulma said as she absent-mindedly sipped her coffee, her eyes on the path Vegeta took out of the kitchen. \\\but honestly? he\\u0027s kind of…harmless?\\\ bulma不 经 意 地 啜 饮 着 咖 啡 ,目 光 盯 着 贝 吉 塔 离 开 厨 房 的 路 线 。 \\\是 的 ,而 且 他 从 不 错 过 炫 耀 的 机 会 。但 老 实 说 ,他 有 点 …无 害 ?\\\

tights nearly fell out of her chair. 泰 茨 差 点 从 椅 子 上 摔 下 来 。

\\\Seriously? that doesn\\u0027t sound like the Vegeta I\\u0027ve heard of.\\\ \\\真 的 吗 ?这 听 起 来 不 像 我 听 说 过 的 贝 吉 塔 。

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