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第352章 神女转世(1 / 2)

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唐淼看着特雷茜修女发出询问:“Sister, I have a question.(修女,我有个疑问。)”

“please say it.(请说。)”

“I happened to hear about the reincarnation of gods. Is it real?(我偶然听过神女转世这种说法,是真实存在的吗?)”唐淼的问题不止让特雷茜修女震惊,穆大叔也震惊了,这孩子直接问啊?不怕被怀疑吗?

“this... this statement is half true, the priest said that the goddess will reincarnate, but the reincarnated goddess will rarely return to the church.(这个...这个说法半真半假,神父说过神女会转世,可转世后的神女很少会回到教堂。)”特雷茜修女组织着语言,试图让唐淼理解。


“because there are very few people like the Flora who land directly in the church, almost all of them are born into families and have families of their own, and when we find her, they already have deep emotions.(因为像非罗拉神女一样直接降落在教堂的很少,她们几乎都出生在家庭里,有着自己的家庭,我们找到她时,他们已经有了深厚的情感。)”特雷茜修女说到这脸上还带着遗憾。

“what if they don't want to e back? will they be forced to return?(那要是她们不想回来怎么办?会强制她们回来吗?)”唐淼问出来这个问题,身边的穆大叔握紧了拳头,明明已经知道的答案,那么残忍。

特雷茜修女神情立马变得惶恐:“oh, my God! of course not! Goddesses are divine beings, and we have to obey every choice they make. how can we force them back? that would be disrespectful to the goddess!(哦,上帝!当然不!神女是神圣的存在,她们做的每一个选择我们都要遵从,怎么可能强制让她们回来呢?那是对神女的大不敬!)”


唐淼摁住激动的穆大叔:“may I ask where is the goddess now? I haven't met her yet.(请问现在的神女在哪里呢?我还没见过她呢。)”

“the current goddess is still young, can not e out petent, but have to wait for some time, hope to understand.(现任神女年龄还小,不能出来胜任,还要等一段时间,希望能理解。)”

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