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第17章 植物的低语,疯狂的迷雾(2 / 2)

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\what are you doing? I didn't see the word 'danger'. could you please e closer?\ when the law enforcement officer saw xin Junmao, he immediately stopped him.

xin Junmao frowned and said, “I…I have something to go inside, so I need to find someone.”

\who are you looking for? there's no one inside right now.\ hearing this, the law enforcement officers were furious. he raised his hand and urged xin Junmao to go quickly.

xin Junmao took a deep breath and said, \No, there is someone inside. I know the purpose of sealing this place. there are people from a mysterious group working inside, right? I want to find the mysterious group. is.\

however, the police do not seem to know about this mysterious group. Law enforcement agents sent to patrol a closed area actually only know the job they are doing, but nothing about the truth behind the closed area.

the law enforcement officer frowned and said, \what is the secret team? have you read too many novels? Now, I solemnly repeat that the internal investigation of hazardous materials in the area continues. the front line is It is extremely dangerous. citizens are temporarily prohibited from entering the zone.'' ... So, sir, please go. ”

\I know what this dangerous object is!\ xin Junmao shouted. he didn't know why he was suddenly shaking. he scratched his toes nervously as he saw the law enforcement officers trying to surround him and the serious looks on their faces. \I really know, it's... it's a ticking time bomb, it's underground. Let me go inside and work with people to investigate inside. we can find that 'ticking time bomb' faster.\ is.\

this was a bad idea, but for a while, xin Junmao had no other choice. As he saw the police slowly closing in on him, he felt very wise and thought that this way he would be fine. did you sneak in?

but at that moment, law enforcement officers from all directions suddenly stood up and rushed towards him.

``Get him, don't let him get away, take him to the security room!'' yelled a law enforcement officer as they charged towards Shingun mao.

xin Junmao was shocked when he heard the law enforcement officer's words. his face suddenly changed color and he ran away.

Even after xin Junmao continued to avoid the attacks of the two officers, a young officer grabbed him by the waist and threw him to the ground.

\Good job! take me back to the security room like this!\ Several other law enforcement officers threw at him one after another, closing xin Junmao's other limbs, and xin Junmao moved. I can no longer do that.

xin Junmao wanted to cry, but the reality was still contrary to his thoughts, and he was depressed in his heart.

however, just when xin Junmao was about to give up, xin Junmao suddenly felt that his whole body became lighter, and all the weight and force that was holding him down disappeared. when I looked up, the law enforcement officers were already flying high and far away, as if they were being taken away one by one. An invisible force flew away.

\A b?!\ xin Junmao felt a motion in his pocket, and his eyes lit up, thinking that his wish for the prize was in vain.

he took the chance and jumped out of the street, stretched out his long legs and ran across the green grass. I intended to take a shortcut to the civic sports center by driving straight through the flowers and trees on the roadside.

hearing the cries of law enforcement from all directions, xin Kunmo said with tears in his eyes that when he couldn't find a job, he persisted in long-distance running training, and now, finally. I thought it had arrived. In use.

\oh, that kid runs fast!\

\catch it!\

\don't let him in!\


As xin Junmao heard the \loud shout\ of his uncle, a law enforcement officer, he ran faster, as if being chased by a ferocious beast of floodwaters that could lead to a collision in his life.

ten minutes later, xin Junmao's heart was beating violently, and he rushed into the civic sports center and went straight to the back door of the gymnasium.

Several older prosecutors immediately stopped chasing the other prosecutors as they tried to rush into the stadium. Everyone stood there in shock, staring at xin Junmao's face as he ran at the speed of his life.

\why didn't you chase after me?\ xin Junmao, the first law enforcement officer to be suspended, couldn't help but wonder which of the older law enforcement officers next to him had been suspended. ta.

hearing this, the old law enforcement officer sighed and said with a serious expression: \beyond this, it's not an area we can step into. there's no need to be afraid. there are others among them who will stop him. .\said.

\but he said there was a bomb,\ the young lawman couldn't help but reply, his eyes full of anxiety.

the older police officer's eyes changed slightly and he murmured, \bombshell, this is extremely appropriate.\

xin Junmao was so excited that he raced against law enforcement officers who were ordinary runners. he was so nervous that he didn't even have the courage to look back to see how many police officers were chasing him, so he didn't notice them. the fact that they gave up pursuit.

Instead, he anxiously opened the lid to the underground sewer and hurried down the rusty ladder.

As they hurried up, xin Junmao also swallowed anxiously.

thanks to my current \eyes,\ I couldn't see the black water underground. the area was dark, and the ground was littered with cylinder-shaped objects filled with slimy liquid.

when they landed, xin Junmao felt unsteady on his feet, as if he had entered the digestive system of a giant monster.

66 people escaped

Zhang xiaoxiao was walking towards the meeting point that huang cheng had mentioned. It wasn't that far from the Enforcer's Security office, so I didn't think about using transportation.

however, when Zhang xiaoxiao turned into a street where several people were passing by, a silver truck parked on the side of the road suddenly opened its door and pulled her into the car without any suspicion. during that time, he didn't even make a sound. he didn't have time to say anything, all he could do was watch as he was dragged into the car and hope's car door closed.

Zhang xiaoxiao was still shocked and cried, but her voice was choked with a big hand and she couldn't speak out loud.

\Zhang xiaoxiao, don't scream, it's me.\ when Zhang xiaoxiao was in despair, a familiar voice came from above, and Zhang xiaoxiao froze to the ground. She opened her tear-clouded eyes and saw a familiar face. face

Seeing that Zhang xiaoxiao had calmed down, huang cheng also loosened his hand covering the other person's mouth and released the restraints on the other person.

“captain Fan cheng?” Zhang xiaoxiao turned around and looked at huang cheng in shock, then at the young man driving. the person on the other end was a law enforcement officer who was in charge of interrogating hwang cheng, and was also hwang cheng's disciple.

``I'm sorry, mr. Zhang, I couldn't do that.'' huang cheng's tone was full of heartfelt apologies, ``In this situation, I have no choice but to tread carefully.''

Although he said so, he felt that his words were too weak and might not be able to convince the other person.

however, Zhang xiaoxiao was silent for a while and nodded. \okay. there may be a lot of people hiding in this city who may or may not be enemies.\

when huang cheng heard this, he was a little surprised and said, \It seems you've really found out a lot. please tell me what you know.\

Zhang xiaoxiao took a deep breath, shook his head, and detailed the information he found in the \Yuben miscellaneous diary.\ city. many years ago it evolved from a village to a fishing village, where everyone believed in a terrifying creature called the \daughter in overalls\.

\For how long?\ huang cheng blinked and suddenly realized. \It is no wonder that it has developed on such a large scale today. Even if it had not thought of cultivating believers hundreds of years ago, the population of this fishing village alone can reach a considerable number.\

\my main suspicions are local residents of cuizhu city and foreigners whose ancestors were from cuizhu city.\ Zhang xiaoxiao opined.

Fan chen then shared his findings. “Your findings answered one of my questions. It was only after xiao Zhang and I failed in our arrest operation and killed the driver who was driving the last train that I we gradually realized that there were some strange things about it.'' And strange places.

the driver belongs to an unusual organization. both he and the organization behind him worship an anomalous unknown creature. the reason why I am sure that the ordinary animals are not imaginary is because when I return home after arresting the driver, I find that the driver is gnawing on the corpse and blood tissue of an unknown animal placed on the altar.

After eating it, the driver's appearance rapidly became distorted. Every part of his body was swollen and twisted. the layers of muscle tissue made the driver extremely powerful. he mostly ignored the pain. we almost died there. Fortunately, we finally got the chance to kill him.

do you remember the men in black who interrogated you? It's a mystery group, a mysterious organization spreading among people. they exist and specialize in handling these rare cases. After escaping death that time, we all knew that we should never participate again and that sooner or later we would lose our lives. the driver's residence and body were handed over to a mysterious team for disposal.

In this battle, both xiao Zhang and I were injured. we requested sick leave from our boss and sure enough, he approved it within seconds.

At first we thought that we would have enough rest and peace, but almost a few days after the vacation began, I felt as if I was fearlessly being watched by hidden eyes in the darkness. we all felt the right amount of attention from those around us.

It wasn't until xiao Zhang and I tacitly cooperated and succeeded in finding the monitor that we finally understood part of the cause of the incident.

It seems that a mysterious organization called ``Evolution paradise'' is lurking in Suizu city. they were holding the organization's annual blessing ceremony. the driver and executioner will join forces the day before the ceremony to plete the ceremony. , forced the lives of an entire train to obtain fresh meat.

the scale of their organization is very large. we have just discovered the monitor, but soon we feel a lot of pressure from all directions. more and more people are watching us, and the way they monitor us is getting better and better. radical

Ever since the direct surveillance and covert surveillance began, xiao Zhang and I have never been able to accept this. moreover, I couldn't bear the fear that these eyes, hidden in the darkness like the cold light of a knife, would suddenly appear one day. Kill us in front of us and in silence.

I don't know if they're worried that we're going to find out something about this driver that we're not supposed to know. Even though we fought back, the people in this organization are still monitoring us, and their methods are being more and more terrifying. they purposefully entered our home, killed our pets, and began placing threatening items in our home.

therefore, in response to this, we had to choose to hide and find opportunities to fight. If we can't get rid of them, we'll have trouble sleeping and eating. that's why such a strange encounter took place. ”

Zhang xiaoxiao gritted his teeth and said, \we have to find someone in the xuanmei Group to help us.\

\they are doing what they need to do. Unfortunately, we can't help them much.\ After hearing Zhang xiaoxiao's words, huang cheng nodded. \we just have to wait for the members of the secret team to return from their mission. then we can invite them to help us deal with this.\

Zhang xiaoxiao: “how long will it take?”

huang chen said: \I don't know, but I know that the danger they face is thousands of times more dangerous than ours. Now, cuizhu city is in this hidden place below. It's inside the tunnel.\

\what should we do?\ Zhang xiaoxiao asked.

\Run, keep running, believe in hope.\ huang cheng said, \Since I borrowed a cell phone from qin hai, I'm sure he will catch up. I am sure that he is most likely not a patriot.\ \I was always worried that he would attack everyone...\ he said frankly. ”

67 chases

hearing huang cheng's speculations about qin hai, Zhang xiaoxiao stiffened, his eyes trembling with fear. he had previously eagerly and willingly sought help from law enforcement, but he never expected that the kindness shown by the other party might actually be a false mask.

\You...didn't you always joke with him before?\ Zhang xiaoxiao said that when qin hai and huang cheng were on the phone, the two had a short fart exchange. he recalled that the words sounded familiar and felt familiar.

``this is a necessary disguise, otherwise he may be alarmed.'' huang cheng also closed his eyes with some heartache. \I also thought he was my best friend, but it turns out he's actually with me. these guys are in this together.\

Zhang xiaoxiao was surprised and guessed that her college friends were also members of the \Evolutionary paradise\ organization, so she remembered that she didn't have the courage to tell her friends her secret and felt the same way for a while.

“master, where should we go now?” xiao qiang, who was driving laps, asked huang cheng.

huang chen thought for a while and was about to say something when he caught a glimpse of the black SUV behind him out of the corner of his eye. his eyes immediately changed and he said in a deep voice: “qin hai is ing!”

when the other two people in the car heard this, their hearts suddenly jumped.

“don’t look back.”Fang cheng noticed that Zhang xiaoxiao wanted to turn around unconsciously, so he stopped her in a whisper and said, “Reduce your expression and leave the rest to me.”

Zhang xiaoxiao secretly bit his lip and shook his head lightly.

After a while, xiao Zhang, who was driving, noticed that a black SUV driven by Enforcer qin hai was accelerating from the side, and got into the car.

when the SUV rolled down the passenger window, qin hai's sincere and enthusiastic smile appeared in front of the three people in the car. the other person smiled and said: \hey, what a coincidence.\

“brother qin,” xiao Zhang greeted qing hai with a smile.

``Let's stop the car and have a chat.'' qinghai said with a smile, ``we just happened to meet somewhere.''

when the three people in the car heard this, each other's words gave them chills. At one point, when xiao qiang was about to refuse, he noticed out of the corner of his eye that a car slowed down in front of and behind them. they were slowly surrounded, cars stuck in the straightest lane.

Reality is not a movie. If xiao Zhang presses the accelerator and crashes into the car, the car will be destroyed and everyone will be killed. maybe this is what men with abnormal brains want to see.

Zhang xiaoxiao's breathing became a little faster, her heart was filled with fear, and she tightened her seat belt nervously. huang cheng’s face darkened, and his forearm froze for a moment.

xiao qiang, who had no choice but to put life first, slowly slowed down and prepared to stop after receiving huang cheng's nod.

however, as the car slowed down, the three felt an impact behind them, pushing the car. xiao Zhang sped up. they looked in shock at the car behind them and then saw the SUV next to them smiling at them. qin hai, it seems that these people want to park wherever they like.

Everyone was gritting their teeth, thinking that the next step would be a disaster.

Finally, four cars stopped at the construction site and everyone in the cars got out.

huang cheng, xiao Zhang, and Zhang xiaoxiao huddled in the back, watching the people around them warily. they were chinhai in police uniforms and groups of people who appeared to be engaged in all kinds of life.

\old qin, you are not honest. why did you push my brother's car just now?\ huang cheng pretended to smile casually. however, the moment I finished speaking, I suddenly felt a pain in my chest. he lowered his head and looked at her in disbelief. An unusually long finger pierced his heart, and he looked up at qin hai who raised his finger.

before he could react, huang cheng felt like he had bee as fragile as a piece of paper. while aiming high, he felt the passing of his life with a great pain that pierced his heart.

\master!\ xiao qiang saw this, and before he could get angry or sad, he picked up the sharp knives that the people around him had already hidden in their clothes and rushed towards them. I realized that.

he gritted his teeth and protected Zhang xiaoxiao, who was almost paralyzed with fear, and pulled him to run down the underpass straight to the construction site.

when he grabbed his arm and started running, Zhang xiaoxiao stood up to cheer, closely following behind xiaoxiao. he was trying not to think about what just happened.

Everything changes too quickly, too quickly.

captain huang cheng, a living human being, was brutally murdered by a human-like monster like qin hai. he died instantly without having time to struggle. he must have said before, ``Let's believe in hope and do our best to live.'' , but look at the facts, this is so ironic.

they ran underground and reached a long, narrow passageway. the two ran quickly, and humans and monsters with sharp knives were chasing them.

Zhang xiaoxiao just turned around and was almost frightened by qin hai’s appearance at that moment. he almost had a nervous breakdown. he saw that a monster named qin hai had almost pletely stripped him of his human disguise. he had large palms and thin nails. wearing a purse-like object, the skin of his body was torn open, revealing a twisted, uneven body of flesh and blood hidden beneath his skin. the other party also gave an eerie smile and said, ``don't run away, don't run away...''

why can't we not run, why can't we fight?

both Zhang xiaoxiao and xiao Zhang almost gave up thinking. After running down several hallways and stairs, they finally had to stop and stare at where they were in shock.

Although it is very well known, this is actually a subway station.

A brand new train parked at the station opened its doors.

with no other way to escape, the two had no choice but to rush to the train, confront the mouse that the stray cat had chased and played with, and enter the cage with the utmost care arranged by the hunter.

As the two rushed to the train, xiao qiang and Zhang xiaoxiao felt great despair, guessing the hopeless situation they might find themselves in. there were spikes at both ends of the train and there was little place to go. You can hide it.

they ran frantically towards the cab, looking for a chance to hide inside.

however, when qin hai and the others rushed onto the train, the train started to depart, and their hearts sank to the bottom. they followed the train as it departed through a dark tunnel.

their last hope is gone.

If the train can start training, there must be someone in the train cab at this time, and that person should be with qin hai and the others. they were two poor mice playing cat and mouse and being teased.

qin hai and the group of people behind him no longer ran, but slowly walked forward, feeling more cautious than running.

68 murders

“qin hai, you are a law enforcer!” xiao Zhang shouted, his face bright red as qin hai and the others approached with flapping teeth and a strange smile.

qin hai tore off his skin, revealing only his real face. he pletely lost his footing and fell to the ground, bloodless and short, about two and a half meters tall. he carried his bag and walked forward without hesitation. he let out a hoarse voice, his throat pounding with each step. \do you think the ethics of this profession can wake me up? I've woken up now, with a clear will, and I want to kill you, that's all.\

xiao Zhang opened his mouth, but was unable to speak in the face of the bloody man's terrifying pressure.

qin hai looked at Zhang xiaoxiao, gestured to hold the bag, smiled at her and said: “do you know about this?”

when Zhang xiaoxiao's pants became hot, the smelly liquid could not stop seeping out from the fabric and spilling on the floor. he was so nervous that he could not move his legs. he fell to the ground and continued crawling backwards, leaving a wet trail on the road. , what he sees in his eyes, filled with fear, is a familiar suitcase.

It was the bag of a female murderer who mitted suicide by jumping off the railroad tracks. he clearly remembered that there were several heads and various instruments of violence hidden inside.

“Yes, please wear it that day.” qin haigui smiled as he took out a knife that reflected cold light from his bag and continued to move forward step by step.

“I will fight you!” xiao qiang looked at the group of hateful thugs with a face filled with hatred and anger. he ran towards qin hai and the others without a weapon and screaming.

however, the seemingly heroic xiao Zhang was like a praying mantis trying to stop the rut. At the moment he jumped up, qing hai had already dropped the bone cutter, and the bone cutter opened xiao Jiang's head and cut it pletely. It is attached to the spine.

\Ah...that guy looks really good,\ qin hai said with a hellish joke that only he thought was funny. Seeing the body trembling under the knife, he laughed and pressed the knife firmly against it. the handle pletely divided xiao Zhang into two unequal parts.

blood spread all over the workshop and Zhang xiaoxiao's face. he was pushed into the far corner of the first car of the train and collapsed with a groan, his eyes clenched tightly.

the train entered the dark tunnel again, and the world became pitch black...

Zhang xiaoxiao's ears heard the footsteps and strange laughter of evil ghosts and bandits. he held his head and howled in fear, tears flowing uncontrollably.

Suddenly, Zhang xiaoxiao suddenly heard tears and heartbreaking cries.

\what!?\ qin hai made a sound of vomiting in anger.

\Kill him!\ a group of people shouted.

there was an explosion of ferocious howling ghosts and a fierce battle ensued.

what followed was a bloody tragedy. within a moment, Zhang xiaoxiao felt a warm liquid flowing towards him. he smelled blood, which quickly soaked his boots and clothes.

Shushu shu shu shu -

once the train exited the tunnel, the interior of the train was once again a bright scene.

Zhang xiaoxiao was stuck in a corner, a look of fear on his face. he twisted for a long time and slowly raised his head. he shook his head shakily and stared at the gruesome and bloody scene before him. the terrible blood of qin hai and those rampant ruthless murderers have long since disappeared. All kinds of broken human bodies and bloody tissues are scattered everywhere. broken pieces of flesh and human skeletons were scattered throughout the carriage. Everything in front of you looks like a very gorgeous R-rated plasma horror movie.

he covered his mouth with his bloody hand, and stinking blood flowed from his mouth. when he saw the duffel bag soaked in blood and flesh and the bones of his hand dangling between his thin middle fingers, wearing a diamond pendant, he immediately understood what had happened.

Zhang xiaoxiao stared at the diamond pendant with a frightened expression. he remained silent for a long time, then a humming sound came from his nose, and an uncontrollable laugh burst from his hoarse throat. coldly, he suddenly started laughing again.

“hahahaha, you deserve it, you deserve it!” Zhang xiaoxiao smiled like a ferocious ghost, the muscles on his face stiffened and his expression hardened, and his deformed face looked like a beautiful college student. did not. , she's just a crazy girl just venting her emotions.




he cursed loudly, using all the curse words he had learned in his life, and cursed the thing that shattered into pieces. I didn't know which one was which.

Zhang xiaoxiao's voice gradually became quieter, and it seemed that her vocal cords had been damaged by the screams. Although he could not make a sound, his eyes were as fierce as ever, and he continued to curse his savior through gritted teeth and in a low, hoarse voice. and.

Shortly after, the train stopped, the closed driver's door opened, and another person came out. he stared blankly at the mess, then glanced at the man whose head was soaked. Zhang xiaoxiao was also among the broken bodies. the opponent lifted the human's ribs and continued to strike the human's skull.

the bloody man opened his mouth and made a few noises before speaking. \what's going on...\

As he spoke, he stretched out his nails, slowly digging his sharp nails into Zhang xiaoxiao's back, penetrating his body, and hooking the ethereal college girl in front of his empty eyes. dark eyes stared at this pletely insane woman.

Zhang xiaoxiao shed tears and coughed up blood, but there was no longer any trace of fear in his eyes, only the last trace of madness and mockery remained. he did not know where the power came from and suddenly swung his arm and stabbed someone nearby. chichi could also see a diamond necklace in the other person's eye socket.

the bloodless man suddenly let out a roar and threw Zhang xiaoxiao's corpse against the wall of the train.

Zhang xiaoxiao's face, which was stuck to the glass of the car door, gradually slipped away, and transparent tears flowed from her eyes as she was pressed against the glass.

the bloody man covered his eyes in pain and stumbled about. It took great effort to pry his broken eyeball out of its socket. he also took away the diamond necklaces that were in their eyes. he only looked back at his relatively plete body at the scene and raised his feet, wanting to release his anger and crush the woman he hated.

but suddenly, a helpless black ghost appeared behind him. Suddenly, there was another strong earthquake inside the train, and the lights inside the train flashed...

After a while the car calmed down and the lights returned to normal. the train door opened slowly, red liquid flowing from the gap in the door. A beautiful corpse hangs from the open door of a train. broken bodies were scattered throughout the car. , bloody silence.

69 terminals of hell


walking through an underground passageway lined with peristaltic arteries, xin Junmao nervously observed his surroundings carefully. but in this lonely, closed underground world, the sound of his breath, which he tried to suppress, was especially noticeable.

xin Junmao didn’t dare to stop. I had a feeling that as long as I stood still, I might be attacked by some evil beast lurking in the darkness. this feeling of panic forced him to continue moving forward. of course, I didn't actually have the courage to walk through this desolate place. please stay in this world for a long time.

“A mysterious group of people are ing?” xin Junmao thought to himself. It was not known whether these people came underground to explore or investigate. the thought of missing out on meeting them made me feel sick like germs. madness even breeds.

As they sniffed the underground holes, they occasionally heard the voices of mean, ugly underground creatures such as maggots, rats, and frogs. the wind was strong, the humidity was everywhere, and I felt a raw sensation in the soles of my feet. cold

maybe he was too nervous, or maybe the hallucinations he saw with his \eyes\ evoked sounds that didn't exist in this world. traces of underground rat crawling gradually disappeared and were replaced by lower-level rats. plain

A- 18 A+
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