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第37章 影子的牺牲(1 / 2)

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在埃尔德拉卡的面纱王国的编年史中,第 8 章揭示了经验丰富的超自然现象调查员伊桑·德雷克和受人尊敬的神秘学者阿米莉亚·霍桑在坚定的旅程中发生的重大事件。当他们登上埃尔德拉卡破碎的尖顶时,他们面临着与精灵巫师玛拉基·达克伍德的终极对抗。







在埃尔德拉卡的面纱王国的编年史中,第 9 章讲述了经验丰富的超自然现象调查员伊桑·德雷克和受人尊敬的神秘学者阿米莉亚·霍桑的艰辛旅程中发生的关键事件。面对任务的重担和精灵巫师玛拉基·达克伍德迫在眉睫的威胁,他们做出了一个令人心碎的决定,以确保两个王国的安全。





however...time may not be normal in this world.

thinking about this, clark couldn't help but wonder about the authenticity of the world. this world is truly absurd and strange. Some books have e out that are not suited to the contemporary background of the world. Nowadays, we don't even have tools to record time.

``Is it possible that the time on my pocket watch is correct?'' clark couldn't help but wonder. At that time, the time on my pocket watch was 11:37 a.m., a far cry from the time when I arrived at the castle. oh, it's only been 3 hours.

\Is 3 hours of flow real time in this world?\ clark couldn't help but think of such a ridiculous idea.

humans are creatures that rely on perception. Suppose someone is thrown into a false world where the flow of time is artificially controlled. And when people in such a false world do not have the tools to measure time, they will believe that the time they are observing is the correct time.

of course, a precondition for this assumption to be true is that human physiological functioning must be able to adapt to the speed of time flow in the false world.

can this be done?

teeth! A variety of supernatural and mystical forces exist in the world that clark is familiar with. If it adapts to the flow of time in this false world under the influence of some normal force or physiological function, then the hypothesis holds true.

\Is this the truth of the world?\ clark frowned. he felt the truth was more than that. Judging from butler Valente's tone earlier, there is no doubt that the truth of this world is even crazier than he is currently imagining.

\the same goes for the cat's tooth bracelet. why do those who touch it see the memories of the bracelet's owner?\ when clark and miller touch the cat's tooth bracelet, they are both miss hela. I saw the memory of

the mother in miss hella's memory was not as approachable as she herself describes. he was a plete fool.

In that memory, something that looked like hera-sensei's sister died, and after that, hera-sensei's mother said that she should be her sister.

having grown up with such a mother, miss hera's mind is clearly a far cry from her timid, moony exterior, and her mind must have bee ugly and warped from her knowledge of performing evil magic. I can confirm that. .

thinking of this, clark suddenly had an idea as he remembered the details. I mean, when Valente and hera appeared as fusion monsters, Valente's eyes briefly lingered on the cat's teeth when he said he \didn't quite get it.\ he wore the bracelet for a while, and then he flashed a mischievous smile.

clark's expression became solemn: \he knew early on that anyone who touched the cat's tooth bracelet would see memories of miss hela. I said I know something because I saw you touch the tooth bracelet. but after observing my expression, I said, 'I haven't restored the whole truth of the matter. I realized that...\

clark's eyes gradually brightened and his thoughts gradually became clearer. \So, there may be other items similar to the cat's tooth bracelet in this castle. when people touch it, they will be affected by an unknown power. As long as you see them, they are.'' If you stay above objects and see enough memories and important memories, you can know all the truths of this world. ”

he quickly stood up and looked around the room, wondering if there was anything else here that could see other people's memories.

however, given butler Valente's methodical behavior and perfectionism, he must have brought something very important. he searched the entire room and found nothing out of the ordinary. this was the best evidence.

\damn, aren't we still at a dead end?\ clark secretly hated it and felt helpless. \to know the truth of the world, I need to contact butler Valente, who has turned into a fusion monster. the only way I can get to him is through a dead end.\

clark's sanity gradually faded as time passed, with a gloomy expression on his face. but after standing there passively for a while, he suddenly made a decision. he wanted to gamble!

After quietly leaving butler Valente's room, clark turned towards the direction he had fled with a displeased look on his face.

he returned the same way because, on the one hand, he wanted to ascertain whether miss miller was alive or dead, and on the other hand, he wanted to investigate her. If he dies, his body will be nearby and his room will be near where the fire started. miss hera's room is not far away.

If everyone in this castle has something that stores their memories, let's call it a memory object, then miss miller must have something like that in her or her room. If he can find it, looking at miss miller's memoirs might bring him one step closer to the truth.

this is the only memory object clark is likely to find.

when I arrived at the hallway of the castle's maid's room again, I approached Lady hela again with an anxious attitude. he saw a large burn mark on the bedroom door. the fire in the room was probably extinguished. Fireworks were streaming from the door of the room.

when clark reached the door and looked inside the room, his heart instantly tightened.

the place was in disrepair, with dressers torn apart and burnt clothes strewn about, but mr. clark did not see miss miller's body.

Isn't miss miller dead? or maybe he didn't die here?

mr clark didn't know what had happened at the time, but he prayed with all his heart that miss miller would survive.

thinking of this, clark reached miss miller's bedroom door and turned the knob.

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miss miller's boudoir was a little different than clark had imagined. he thought that even if miraille's room wasn't a beautiful girlish room, there would be at least one or two beautiful things in it. however, the actual room is very ordinary, the furniture is nothing special, and the necessities of daily life are basically available here.

clark opened the chest of drawers in his room. Everyone was dressed as a castle maid. there were no civilian or other clothing. he couldn't help but remember that Lady hela had said that millet had bee a maid in the castle a month ago. , It is estimated that miss hella was previously very poor and did not have proper clothes.

the things in the closet were very clean. clark searched every nook and cranny in the closet for something to hide, but couldn't find anything with memories.

clark looked elsewhere, but again found nothing. miraille's room was simple and frugal, just like his. She didn't have heavy make-up like miss hera, only a simple and beautiful face.

In the end, all they found in miss miller's room was a jar of cheap foundation, and she didn't even have lipstick to make her lips look bright and delicate.

both are maids like miss hera, but the difference in their standard of living is not that big. clark couldn't help but secretly sympathize with miss miller for a moment.

``If it's not here...it seems possible that miss miller's memory object is also on her body,'' clark thought to himself, carefully remembering miss miller's appearance. She wasn't wearing any jewelry. , he presumes that the object of his memory is unattractive.

At that thought, clark's heart jumped again, only to land on his head. he frowned and thought to himself, \If everyone in this world has a memory, does he have one too?\

maybe he didn't notice it because he was a fan of the authorities.

however, when clark thought about it, he had already checked his belongings before ing to the castle. the most unusual thing about him was the pocket watch he carried.

clark patted his chest and hid the watch in his inside coat pocket. whether it's his memory or not, he better keep it safe.

After leaving miss miller's room, clark began trying to find any trace of miss miller, praying in his heart that she was still alive.

In the hallway, miss miller left no trace, but the fusion monster was rotated by butler Valente, and miss hela left an obvious trace. perhaps their bodies changed even more after he left. Abnormal and unusual deformities occurred, resulting in an increase in weight and body size. there are dents in the floor and ceiling of the hallway where people stepped on or bumped into each other, and there are claw marks on the walls.

Fusion monsters have bee even more ferocious and powerful. miller's situation was dire, and all clark could do was pray silently for miller's soul.

After all traces of the fusion monster disappeared, clark heard the fusion monster's strange scream again.

``where did those two go... Gagak... Kuru Kuru Asa...?'' A mix of male and female voices and whispers in an unknown language could be heard from near the second floor hallway. clark took a quick look with a heavy heart. he glanced at her and pulled away as soon as he saw her big black face.

At that moment, it was enough to imagine the fusion of butler Valente and miss hera, but it was no beautiful fantasy, but a terrifying nightmare.

clark stood there, not moving. he did his best to control his inhales and exhales, the sound of his breathing as natural and soft as the sound of the wind flowing through the room, almost silent.

It wasn't until he heard the fusion monster leave that clark breathed a sigh of relief and said no.

\dr. clark actually did something like that...\

Everyone was a little incredulous when they saw the latest research results that Rabbit captain Yumao presented to everyone.

Ren qiuji, the leader of the rat team, was silent for a while and then said: \this is natural. After all, it's not inprehensible that living in a family environment like this forces you to do something stupid all at once...\

hearing this, Yu Lianyun and bu Gaojun looked at each other. with Yu Lianyun's approval, wu Gaojun told everyone about the investigation information regarding the tiger Group with a plicated expression.

\we discovered the root of the mutation in 26 headless corpses. he is a god called the shadow of all living things. one of his incarnations is called crack-Eye, and he is a deity who is called the shadow of all living things. \According to the information provided by New York Leader and captain Yumao, dr. clark's family back home was also part of this group,\ takeko said.

After hearing the news, Leng qiuzi suddenly fell silent and had a mysterious expression on his face.

In other words, could dr. clark have been contaminated by anomalous factors during his childhood? dr. clark's position is questionable.

Looks like this was discovered too. captain Yumao nodded and said solemnly, \that's what I'm worried about. Is dr. clark worth saving?\

when Inspector Yumao raised this idea, the mysterious detectives at the scene couldn't help but whisper about the issue.

humans contaminated with abnormal factors are like time bombs. Although such a person may have been acting normal all along, exposure to even the slightest normal elements can quickly turn him into an insane maniac. magic

this mysterious group has supported many humanitarians throughout history, providing protection to those affected by normal factors but not immediately attacked. however, all of these people ended up with an oute that no one expected. due to this change, they became abnormal beings, and not only harmed the people around them, but also caused great damage to the mysterious group.

therefore, even if the upper echelons of the esoteric group still maintain a humane and considerate attitude towards this kind of person, in reality it is difficult to trust this kind of person anymore.

A mystery detective's life must not be wasted on a \heartless and tragic betrayal.\ Even if they die under the claws of aliens, they will die a well-deserved death, but it would be a real shame if they die for those who sooner or later have to betray humanity. So it's not worth it.

At this moment, Yu Lianyun raised his voice and interrupted everyone's voice before the discussion got louder and louder, and said quietly: As a result of the investigation, it was discovered that another incarnation of the shadow of the \all-seeing\ is the \God of Yellow Sand\ associated with the chinese state-run \School of Yellow Sand truth\. dr. clark is generally not likely to be affected by contamination. ”

“…then it seems we have to do that.” After Leng qiuzi and everyone were surprised for a long time, Leng qiuzi said in a regretful tone.

Although it was frustrating, Leng qiuzi’s voice was firm.

Yu Lianyun sighed. \Yes, we may need to take some action for dr. clark's sake.\

Is it 184 years old to make a fortune? safety?

the monster's low growl filled his ears, and the hallway conveyed this strange fear layer by layer. clark held her breath, focused on each step, and held her head to avoid making a sound.

``mirail, where are you hiding now?'' clark thought secretly. by the monster's words, he already knew that the miraculous miraille was not dead now, and fought the fusion monster just like him. A deadly hideout.

Suddenly, clark finds himself near a hallway filled with white mist. Looking down the hallway through the fog, I could see just a few dim lights.

when he realized he might be in danger, he turned back, but found it was too late. he was already in a fog, surrounded by the unknown.

clark could only bite the bullet and keep moving towards the only place of light. All he could do was clench his fists.

his dirty skin and protruding veins were a sign of his weakness.

Gradually, clark noticed that the hallway had bee so wide that it no longer looked like a hallway. It looked like they were outside, but he clearly remembered that there was a snowstorm outside. If he had been outside, he would have been shivering from the cold. .

however, in this dense fog, the human body cannot sense the smell of moisture. the temperature is still moderate. only the unknown depth of this scene can give people a thrill of fear.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, clark noticed that the fog was receding and the light ahead was brightening.

So he ran ahead, not knowing where his courage came from.

As a butterfly flies to a flame, as a shearwater flies to lightning, life in the face of death seeks light. humans are no exception.

clark suddenly stopped and stood blankly in front of a small wooden house. he stared at the pair of devilish faces reflected in the red double doors, then at the warm light shining from inside the house. he was attracted to the light in this hut.

``why is there a hut here?'' mr. clark wondered. when he saw the tacky store sign in front of the door with the tacky store name written on it, he couldn't help but fall silent.

Apparently this hut is actually a small shop called a \clubhouse\? It's more like a toy store.

After a moment's hesitation, clark stepped forward and knocked on the cabin door.

\here we e.\ After a while, a voice could be heard ing from the room. It was difficult to express it in chinese. this gave him the illusion of returning to real-world china.

the door opened and a woman wearing a loose white dress appeared in front of me. It was beautiful and beautiful. For clark, it had an indescribable oriental charm. however, the only drawback was that the woman was so white that it was a bit scary. her lips were blood red and the woman looked a little seductive.

pure and sublime, with red lips and white teeth, skin fairer than snow... clark had only seen such beautiful depictions of vampires in ancient legends.

mr. clark was cautious. when I saw the woman who opened the door, I saw a red and black signboard with ancient chinese characters written on it. he stared at the sign with some concentration. After a while, he felt his vision change, and the letters in his signature seemed to change, changing into the familiar language of \visualizing vision.\

he could understand the words, but he wasn't familiar with the sentences.

can you bee rich at first sight?

\please e in.\ the woman was not surprised by his arrival, nor did she mind his slightly rude expression. he just smiled and held out his hand invitingly.

It's like the store here.

clark glanced on his way home...there seemed to be nothing but mist or mist, so he entered the house.

\wele.\ mr. clark's heart skipped a beat as he entered the store and marveled at the \dazzling array of products.\ A handsome man in black, dressed like a female clerk, stepped out from behind a shelf. Step outside and give clark a ceremonial smile.

of course, the male clerk also had a placard hanging from his waist that had suspicious writing on it, ``All is peace.''

clark just felt them farting. there was a lot of taboo and blasphemous stuff in this store. If any of them were leaked, it would be a disaster for the world. he felt like he was definitely going to die, instead of having a chance to make a fortune.

“please e forward, my merchant will go first,” the male clerk said with a smile.

clark nodded hurriedly, not daring to refuse.

walking down the hallway between the two rows of shelves, clark felt as if he had entered a narrow hellish chasm. there were countless horrors, but the ghosts brought him to death. It was actually a wide hallway, but I felt like I was walking on a tightrope. difficult

clark's face was pale and his body was sweaty when he reached the store owner, who was talking to a staff member dressed in red.

``wele to our store, do you need anything?'' the owner didn't smile when he saw mr. clark, but gently introduced himself, ``my name is Li Jiahong.''

\I...\ clark was speechless for a moment. he forgot to even think. At the same time, the clerk in red, who had been joking with the store owner, suddenly turned serious when they met for the first time. with this kind of stern look in his eyes, it felt like he could kill someone at any moment.

“hahaha, don’t hold back. All the people who e to the store are people who have encountered difficulties.” Li Jiahong smiled and said patiently, “wei Jiang, Lao Li, xiaoting, you all go first. please e down. I’m just looking after the guests here.”

the three clerks, red, black, and white, nodded and left.

After the three clerks left and he no longer felt surrounded and watched, clark felt a little better and gradually began to think rationally again.

``what kind of store is this?'' mr. clark said in broken chinese.

Li Jiahong explained with a smile. \As you can see, items that are considered taboo in the human world are sold here. Even though they are taboo, you can ignore the risk when danger approaches. our store sells these \anointed accessories.\ doing. Yes, mister. clark must know what 'consecration' is. ”

\You know my name!?\ clark was shocked.

“mr. clark, you are still very popular.” Li Jiahong smiled. \I read your academic paper. It's very positive and profound.\

hearing this, clark's heart suddenly jumped out, and he stepped forward and grabbed one of Li Jiahong's hands, as if he had grabbed a life-saving straw. \help, help, I don't know what's wrong. I'm trapped in a cold winter castle... dangerous monsters are chasing me, and... waiting for me to escape. there are people...you know me, so please take me to this dangerous castle.\

clark begged, suddenly letting his guard down.

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Even in the face of clark's sudden mental breakdown, Li Jiahong's attitude did not change much. he received too many similar guests, some even more extravagant than clark. clark was still barely decent, at least at a basic level. the reason is always there.

``don't hold back,'' Li Jiahong patted the other person on the shoulder and forted him, ``Now you're safe for the time being.''

clark gradually regained his posure after being consoled by Li Jiahong. Indeed, aside from these taboo things everywhere, it was unexpectedly \peaceful.\

\Are we...somewhere in the castle?\ After clark calmed down, he analyzed his situation.

Li Jiahong said that this was a hut in the forest. he didn't exist anywhere. only those who needed help and observed the existence of the hut could e here.

clark was silent for a moment. After listening to the other party's story, I decided that this was not an old castle. It can be lost in places beyond mon sense.

\can I still go?\ clark asked.

Li Jiahong laughed and said, \As long as you don't do anything special here, you can e and go here freely and go wherever you like.\

So...he's going back to that old castle. clark felt heavy inside.

clark said through gritted teeth. “If everything can be sold here, isn’t there something we can do to help out of this situation?”

Li Jiahong had already roughly understood what happened to the other party from clark. he thought for a while, but there was no result, so he took out a half-meter-thick book from the counter drawer and looked at it as if looking up a dictionary. while reading the bibliography, he said: \hold on a moment and I'll help you confirm which product you selected.\

clark looked at the ``menu'' that Li Jiahong was flipping through, but realized that he could not read or write the words written on it. It was as if he suddenly lost this ability. but when he paid attention, he could read other writing in the store. he understood it, and as before, the words were automatically translated into the language he knew and understood best. All he could do was say in disbelief.

Li Jiahong didn't have to look at a thick menu for a long time. he immediately found Li Jiahong's product and said, \wait a moment, I'll find it for you.\ I pushed the escalator on the mobile shelf to the second shelf from the left and took the red shoes from the second row down to the top.

clark also knows a thing or two about chinese culture. most often, red represents strength and happiness, and red shoes are often seen in married people. however, in the culture clark learned from an early age, red represented blood and bad omen. the concept in china is very different.

maybe that's why when clark saw the red shoes, he felt a chill inside them, as if a poisonous snake was crawling through his body, and a cold breath hit his body.

\what are those?\ clark looked nervously at the red shoes that Li Jiahong was holding. there was no doubt that these shoes were not wedding shoes in the traditional chinese sense. he was lucky enough to attend a chinese wedding, and in their party, only the women wore red shoes, although wedding shoes should have more festive elements. , these red shoes were beautifully decorated with white embroidery. chrysanthemum

white chrysanthemums are a symbol of remembrance for the dead in china. they are ``flowers of mourning,'' and they are not gifts for the living or casually embroidered decorations for celebrations.

``these are red shoes.'' Li Jiahong explained with a smile, ``If you take them with you, they will always protect you.''

\protect me?\ clark trembled inwardly. \how should I protect you?\

``It's difficult to explain, but I hope you understand.'' Li Jiahong didn't seem to know how to explain it, and said, ``by the way, there are some important points. please remember them carefully. ”, he once again seriously talked about the precautions to take when wearing red shoes.

\the first point is that after kissing a shoe, you bee the owner of that shoe. the shoe will never be lost, it will always follow you like a shadow. From now on, no one will know. when I walk alone down the empty street, I hear you.'' the second sound. there are two pairs of legs, but no one can see them. don't worry, that's it. ”Li Jiahong lightly pointed his index finger.

then he slowly held up his middle finger and said with his scissor hands: \Second point, when you think you are in danger, shoes will protect you in their own way and guide you away from the danger until you are safe. You can follow it. ” with confidence. ” ”

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