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第73章 紧张局势升级(1 / 2)

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继续前进,发现了更多没有留下任何记录的古老文明的迹象 - 精致的琉璃瓦,未知人物的雕塑和未知金属的工具。所有这些都被仔细储存和贴上标签。那天晚上,奇怪的梦打扰了K'nell的睡眠,使他焦躁不安。






















凭借通过严格研究获得的见解,K'nell 决心进一步探索和记录。在Yag'Lith的陪同下,他们越过了先前绘制的路线,前往有过去骚乱迹象的地区。




ut chisner ignored it and continued. the roots of the tree hit like an armored car, making a terrible noise.

Aria quickly turned and ran.

As Kisner raised his hand, a voice echoed in the hole, and as it ran towards him like a hungry wolf, all the roots of the tree broke, and as it walked forward, it disappeared, but suddenly appeared in front of Alya..

Aria couldn't stand for even a second, her whole body collided and she fell down.

please explain in advance what you want to do. there is nothing you can do about it.

however, chizuna didn't answer and raised her hand to slap Aria.

Aria kicked his leg and fell about five meters before crashing into him.

chisner's hand fell, though out of place, and a plastic tank bomb exploded on the ground. they will kick him hard.

during this time, Aria also used immortal magic.

A black lightning appeared in his body, and soon his body changed, his human body turned into pink and blue flames, and his body became thin, but after half a day, the divine power from the place dagon returned to him. body of. when he came out, his body continued to sink into the deep water, and half an hour later, half of his body became another sinkhole.

At this point, his mental state felt strange, as if someone was controlling his body, and I suspected that he had schizophrenia.

right? Are you going out again? Surprisingly, it's not a prison, so is it over? hey, are you really sleeping? did you make a mistake? Even if it's just one, it's too many, but how can I offer directly when I offer my body to you?

Something is wrong, this body, why is this body like dagon and not a dead soul? It won't be long before she returns to the world, but worse than making a doll. So this time I offered my body, but forget it, I don't have time to use it.

he actually thought that chizuna might be looking at him strangely, since that wasn't the case with previous incarnations.

Suddenly, his body changed rapidly, and the body, immersed in deep water, changed again, this time became a real demon, similar to the same myths and legends of the witch. but inside him, these pinkish-blue scales were still shining under the sky, and the power of the evil god could be seen from this body.

In this first copy, majin Arya's main body, the majin Arya who now controls him, has been sleeping since dagon started using magic.

Is this the divine power of dagon? but even though he is very weak and his body is different than before, he is still a strong person.

At that time, mazin looked at Aliya cizna and said:

is that you

he asked without waiting for chizuna's answer. because when demiya Aria spoke, she raised her beautiful hand. At that moment, the pink and blue scales faded slightly, but then a terrible magic power passed through them, and they suddenly disappeared. A strong wind blew it, and rocks and stones were thrown, which became weapons of killing, and it turned and suddenly fell.

when Kizuna raised his heavy hand to attack, the flying fragments exploded, and the demon Aria collided with his hand, creating a strong shock wave as if a tornado had occurred. , and the distance between the two is 10 meters. very far away. , the whole face disappeared.

however, the appearance of the two peting with each other remains the same, and there is no problem with their skin.

both men stood their ground and attacked again, cthulhu's divine power clashing with dagon's divine power.

If the real evil god appeared here, he could easily defeat dagon with the power of the Lord of Sleep, but currently both parties share the divine power, so it depends on the quality of the dead. both

Aria devil is a born devil who tries to collect the evil divine things and control the divine power that is strongly attracted to the secret weapon, and can generate a lot of god powers with a power point of God.

through his many reincarnations, Kizner raised the crude magic of his magic system to a mature technique that allowed him to better understand the power of the evil gods and confirmed the appearance of demons and the power of evil gods. good shot

the demon Aria turned her right hand into a sword and attacked Kizuna.

Kizuna suddenly retreated and at the same time controlled the divine power within his body and fought like a bone, but a cold fire flared up and the blade of the demon's hand cut them like a sharp and powerful blade. A sharp sound echoed from xena's weapon.

Kizuna's body received a powerful impact like high-speed steel, and the armor on his entire body threatened to shatter, but Kizuna gritted his teeth and continued to fight, attacking his opponent. his powerful attacks were aimless, and he hit with all his might, and the shadow of his hand filled the demon's eyes.

majin Aria looked at the shadow of a hill floating in the sky and prepared herself, and time began to stretch, and even though everything seemed to stop, the other person's hand continued to move.

but the devil saw the work done between each stroke.

the devil rushed forward with great strength, his whole body disappeared, and there was a rush of wind, and a thunderous sound.

he was already between the shadows of the hands, changing form for a moment before Kizuna bumped into him, walking quickly towards Kizuna, getting closer to each other step by step. the opponent's attack was as big as a raindrop, but he actually only had two hands, and it was impossible for him to be in the entire space at the same time. the demon Aria does not appreciate her opponents and attacks everyone.

Seeing this, chizuna charged forward, exploding his movement speed and headed towards the devil's body, as if he was a star that could destroy the spear that pierced the enemy's body. ShAKE

the force generated by the wind seems to destroy the earth and the sky in front of it, the weather has improved, there are no clouds covering the sky in darkness, and the sky can be seen directly. countless explosions appeared in the starry sky, as if a heavy artillery hit, and the fire effect from the explosions spread throughout the surrounding area.

however, the demon used magical movements to directly undergo a devastating attack, appearing in front of the opponent's eyes as if calling, then stretched out its arms and grabbed the opponent. as if hunting. , his hand turned. his shoulder. he then threw Kisner a fastball.

thrown in the air, chizuna tried to control his body and used his magical power to transform into a bird and fly, defying logic and seeing the right moment, he jumped like a shooting star. palace

At the same time, seeing chizuna fall like a torpedo, the demon also rushed forward and exploded with great force, throwing its body straight out, reaching the sky like a red flame, flapping its wings. like a demonic bird, and does the same. fired a club.

the two fought in the sky, and when their wings collided, it caused damage similar to a continental missile, and a strong wind swirled in the sky, and when it fell to the ground, it was a disaster, but not pletely. . he was worried about their influence because everyone knew that divine power could not be used between them.

In the battlefield of heaven, damage was caused by all kinds of weapons, and neither majin nor chizuna had any intention of stopping during the battle, and it was not a good idea to try to use them now out of greed. . the latter is kind, the latter is a devil who only cares about his family, at this point he no longer cares about the damage he has done, the field is slowly expanding, and it has been a battlefield since childhood. world wars are like world wars.

Surprisingly, even though it was a small village, they still fought in the bush in the countryside when the war between the two sides spread throughout Australia. It looks like the space size is wrong, in this case. over time, they can no longer be felt.

It was clear that the two were shooting at each other on the battlefield and were very effective in bat, but the tactics used by the two were shameful and despicable, and even prudent people would not use such despicable methods. there are wars and all kinds of movements. It is used in the same way as regular martial arts.

the two fought fiercely, making a deafening sound from the dragons in the sky. , the sound barrier was broken and both raced at a top speed of mach 40.

three seconds later he fell to the ground.

At this time, chizuna's body was torn apart by the explosion as if it had been shot by a gun, but majin believed that even if Aria was accidentally shot, she would not feel the pain.

Footnote 1: high priest of thoth. he belongs to the priesthood of the Star Familiar tribe of cthulhu, the race that founded R'leh in legend. In \the call of cthulhu,\ thugs claiming to be members of the cult of cthulhu are caught by the police before they can perform the summoning ritual, and are believed to be Star trek elders. Among these dragons, the priest of cthulhu is their god. when this game happens, the high priest of the Soth tribe loses his head due to the 100% cost of the god's bite and bees the incarnation of an evil god. this is the entrance of cthulhu, the evil god from another world.

079 Endless trouble (two in one)

who is the evil god with the power to change? Even if God controls the laws of all things, if such a result can only be obtained through his power, then what kind of evil God is he? cthulhu seems to have power, but there is something different.

Arya was born as a mage and a demon to dagon, so she had no idea about the evil god that dagon followed, but the demon saw the imbalance in the enemy's body as if it did not belong here. however, cthulhu's power is controlled by an unknown evil god.

however, since he is a demon, he has so much strength that even his physical attacks cause waves that surpass current weapons, so it is only a matter of time. Enemies can be dispatched.

And this in itself does not necessarily cause disaster. Even if the team member fighting cross were to fight him without using the Ghost machine God, he could still lose if his opponent wasn't the most powerful mage in existence. .

Fighting other demons is also something new for majin Aria.

So what do you want? After all, I don't know anything, so I have to fight you.

Aria stopped her attack and asked in a questioning voice.

Similarly, Kisner remained calm despite the destruction of the evil god's power, and answered in one voice:

this sentence should be like I said, who are you? the spirits look the same but have different mystical properties.

Feeling weird?

Arjan Arya put her little finger to the side of her mouth and looked up, remembering the magical knowledge within her body before she answered.

maybe it's a physical sign. It is the same soul, but it is customary to identify it with a new body after reincarnation. It is the body, but that is not important.

what kind of evil god is the disciple of the man who controls the power of the evil god? or is he a man favored by the evil god?

Arjani Arya asked an important question because remember that if an ordinary person receives the power of an evil god, all the things destroyed by the divine power will happen unless he intentionally hurts someone you are human. It's very normal.

As in all hidden worlds, some people want to be gods or lords, but in the end it is the power of the gods.

this is a normal thing from a traditional point of view, similar to touching the sun on your body, unless there is a great being who can transform solar energy into another form, melt solar energy .It's a ritual. Energy or power that can be absorbed by the human body, or sunlight, which is often weak in nature.

when I think of demiya Aria, she had no intention of facing another person, and it was like a mist that covered her after the person appeared.

exaggerate? I think the word curse is more appropriate than this word.

chizuna nodded, and at that moment, the demon Arya also nodded.

Afterwards, damon clearly remembers why Arya died at that time, and after her death he returns as Arya, but he does not think that he is in the afterlife.

he remembered very well that he entered the hole, and nothing remained, at least not as a spirit born from the bones, only a reflection of the information he left behind, and that was it. they said

however, majin Aria didn't care if she wasn't; he looks the same, ignoring differences due to race. After all, he knows that everything in the world is within Yog-Sothoth and that whoever he is is part of the unity of all.

therefore, he did not pay much attention to his philosophical thoughts, but even if he dies, Yog-Sothoth will live, and he will not lose anyone because of him, so death will not disappoint me. Sel, even in this position and Selman himself, seems sad.

It is true that it is a curse, but the blessing of an evil god is not a good time for him. Some people envy our strength and even want to bee demons among us, and that's normal. do people have to work? If I am chosen, I will leave my devilish self and live a good life with my brother.

do you have siblings?

Now, I am a past life in this body, and in the past life, I was not the one. I say this, but in fact I began to notice the difference between me and the rest of the world because our thoughts began to contradict each other and some external things prevented it.

foreign matter?

chizuna seemed curious too, in fact, even though she was a demon, she was always interested in what Arya had taught her in previous incarnations, but she was not interested and had no idea. secret

the only time he can be reincarnated after death is if he is killed in this city.

however, after many trials, I realized how terrible the cause of the disease here is, that it is like a beast in the flesh and a demon, and of course that the evil power is used by the devil. I realized that this is not a thing. people can fight against it.

this is because in his previous reincarnation, he was unable to resist the fingers of the enemy and his whole body was destroyed, and he was reincarnated again, starting a new cycle.

therefore, Aria should not be allowed to meet him, if the two meet, this is the beginning of the secret path of divine evil, it is not a joke, at least to end in mystery It takes 10 centuries. there is munity and magic. It ends here, but he needs an important role. chisner thought about the role. what is missing is the hand of God. In that case, the high priests would be powerless even if they wanted to use magic to call the gods. because the old rulers, no matter how powerful their ideas, did not care about the will of the people.

however, if you have a priest, you can easily plete the task. of course, this shrine maiden also has another name, and her name must be 100% a precious sacrifice chewed up by the gods. In other words, by using the power of the gods and bining the sacrifice and magic to change the evil god, the power created is enough to break through the barrier of the old Gods. the gate of the universe and this world is the ruler of all who enter it.

however, a mage who can summon an evil deity must have mundane power, otherwise the mage dies and the spell ends without interfering with the divine will.

In the middle of windmill town, the priest there seems to be interested in Aria, and chizuna also has an ulterior motive. No, it was a photo of a woman under a terrifyingly intense silver flame.

If you think about it, chizuna didn't try to think from the conclusion, but from the conclusion that he knew who the holy shrine maiden was, and that he could definitely call her the next time he visited. Evil God, it is not easy to say the name of evil when magic is gone and there are no more gods or magicians.

So, this time he just had to face the monster. In chizuna's body he is almost immortal, only a priest can kill him, and the world begins when he dies.

So chizuna didn't want Aria to see that beast again, so she accepted it, even though the opponent's legs were broken and she was made to sit on the bed forever and wiggle her toes.

doing this to death is a great joy pared to meeting this beast.

It may be fun to entertain, but people who have never seen a monster will never understand.

Kisner just closed his eyes and the image of this animal appeared before him like an endless dream.

however, chizuna knew that he couldn't stop the opponent with his own strength, so he had no choice but to give up. Even with a bond made with the power of a god, his body could barely move, but if he had an immortal body, he would probably die within 10 seconds.

well, it's a strange thing in the soul, but even if I tell you, I don't know where it es from, I'll guess, but I don't have the courage to prove that it doesn't exist.

majin Aria took a deep breath, opened her eyes as if seeing something, and looked at chizuna.

why did I say this? You and I are not used to it.

but I know you very well, especially your body.

when Kizuna said that, he heard two eyes trying to kill him, dem Arya's eyes flashed with divine power, and Kizuna's demonic body was cold.

can these items be used as toys?

I'm not kidding, my ability is to go back to a certain time before I die, so that you and I know each other, but this time we don't know each other.

this issue is very troubling because Arjania thinks that Arya is a real person who still makes decisions, so she throws her powers like an arrow into the sea of spirit and hits him directly. Raise your spirits. original body.

Now, Aria woke up.

I said, can you say that again?

Aria had released her demon body, and chizuna was also shedding her demon body after it took a lot of effort to maintain it.

hey, you back? haha, I didn't say anything.

well, he and I had an idea.

chizner decided in his heart that he would keep quiet this time and push this person away before he spoke in his next reincarnation, but the situation before and after his push was different.

well, it's okay, can you stop this time? Go ahead and have fun, haha it's so much fun.

After remembering the purpose of Azathoth's book, Arya felt she had enough knowledge to defeat death. Although the demon has been gone for some time, Aria still has powerful magical powers as a dead soul. Even if there is a power outage, it doesn't seem like a big deal in numbers.

As Arya regained her fighting spirit, chizuna collapsed like a breaking ball.

No, you don't have to.


You are using the evil power of God, which is equal to the strongest in my state, because I don't have that power, and even if I stop you, I can't do anything.

chizuna didn't want to hide it. because at this point he is ready to recreate everything, and as an immortal animal he also has the ability to rewind time and space. but it gave him a feeling of ignoring the fear of death.

Aria, who was standing in front of chizuna, had a very confused expression on her face, which was pletely different from the sudden change in her attitude. At this moment, chizuna decided not to leave time and space on the stage, not paying attention, and listening to other people's questions.

Is it like this? but I still don't understand why you want to stop me. You know what? there is something about it.

is this your problem? well, if something happens, you know better, but this time there is no hope. All the conditions are fulfilled and the end of the next life is powerful if you go there. the evil god came to earth not as a physical body or demon, but as a real evil god who exists in the universe and controls the past and future time and space. Let them be the fiercest party. however, unfortunately we cannot provide details here.

Evil god? did you laugh? It is impossible to summon a truly evil god at the level of modern magicians.

Arya must learn magic when she remembers that her evil god is Yog-Sothoth. of course, we know that the ancient gods cover the bodies of the wicked, although all media are in Yog. Sottoto. however, surprisingly the media kept Sotos' body hidden. only things that go against reason can be called miracles.

the world still has gods worshiped in cults, but only divine beings roam the earth, and even after centuries the magic of the old gods still exists among the priests. today, there are no priests. that can solve it. . that. .

Arya knew there was a way to be proud, but it was impossible because the walls of the old Gods were not strong enough to break through, and outsiders had the right to e and go. but like this. because of this, the body of the evil god was removed and he became part of the evil god, that is, entered the body of the evil god, and the living evil god was called Narlathotep, the god of chaos. .

that's not a joke, it's true. this happened because I saw with my own eyes the reality of how the kingdom of God was destroyed, what came out of the seals of the old gods. In fact, many times I saw the light of the \polyhedron\ moved from one side to the other when the book of the Law, the evil god of justice, collided with the famous sage who defeated the devil. Reincarnation, I haven't seen anything, so I know it's an endless cycle of disaster, and if there's no way to fight the evil god, no matter how many times it happens, the result will be the same .

Is it okay to kill the summoner first?

, No, it is weak, the magic controlled by the priest is very powerful, magic that can summon evil gods, what is the situation, can people resist it? I think things will be different this time, but that is just an illusion.

. power to do it. leads to inequality. )

(but are the gods really evil? I know wilbur watley and watley's father floated this idea as well, but it's not true.

(Even the wortley family, who are called evil gods, have never seen an evil god. In fact, only to convey the power to kill and drive away evil gods. that is impossible.)


Alya thought so in her heart, but contrary to what she thought, a terrible contradiction appeared in front of her, making her even more distrustful. Aria also seemed to understand that that was impossible.

because Aria herself thought of the road.

If a sacrifice is made to a demon with 100% value of God's bite, the power has a chance to succeed. Also, to bee one with the universe, which is an evil god, one must sacrifice oneself by shedding one's own blood.

this is an impossible story, but is it possible for a devil who has reached 100% absorption rate to bee the body of an evil god and create an evil god through sacrifices and sacrifices?

It was too painful to think that it was just a dream, so Aria immediately thought of different reasons to deny it.

If the ``book of Azathoth'', which Aria judged to be impossible, was the cause, then the Aura of the deep Sea, the magical curse that released the evil god dagon's alter ego, did not exist. FoRGEttING

when Aria tried to question Izan, the owner of Azathoth's book knew about Aria's anger and understood why this reaction happened, so the other person suddenly stopped talking. Forced silence.

(why was I disappointed when I realized this?)

what Aria thought was right, chizuna didn't want to say it, she couldn't say it because she didn't want to confuse the evil god who reincarnated her after death, even so, a lot has been said, enough is enough , the wise man will face the end. but Aaliyah is stupid and stupid, and it's impossible to go wrong using the word stupid to describe her appearance.

what are the cancellation rules? how did chisner know? Evil gods are not machines, so they don't need to use technology that harms humans.

thinking about brain cell problems is like eating soup with a knife, it makes no sense.

however, Aria doesn't know if she believes in reincarnation after death. wouldn't he be very happy if this actually happened? this is true immortality, to live forever in endless torment, able to challenge all difficulties, any kind of death, no difference between life and death. , this world is beautiful and happy, die once and take it. Aria is jealous of this, she could have stayed with her brother forever if she had the chance, but even if she was crazy she couldn't.

but I can only confirm that, and such a happy event is unlikely to happen, so I think there is a limit.

border? yes.

right? did I mention this?

No, but isn't it obvious when you see it in your face?

chisner replied with a smile.

080 monster

Is that how it is written? Is it clear?

Aria didn't hear it at all, so she wondered if someone could read minds. but when he looked at her with such eyes, the other man shook his head and indicated that it was only for his relationship.

Seeing this, Aria rubbed her cheek in annoyance.

but they don't listen to me even if I ask.

why? You didn't even listen to what I said so clearly but you kept quiet and didn't say a word. ?hmm, if you don't want to say it that's okay.

No, this is not prohibited content. As long as I can survive today, I have no problem talking. whAt

(Even if you didn't mean it, are you seriously hurting me?)

After thinking about it, I realized that Arya was unfortable, so I wanted to know how to talk to her directly through magic. Aria is impatient as a mage. If it wasn't for the devil who seemed to be sleeping, he would have been impatient. because the dead are intentionally evil, but if you can't beat them, you can't beat them either. he couldn't stand anything.

they do not clearly understand their powers and act according to the situation without thinking. Arya is also a good model of a reformed immortal spirit, so she has no such problems and can at least show patience.

I think it's very difficult because you always have to explain it once and repeat it, and I've done it many times. . Again, it won't last long.

(Recently? what does that mean?)

Aria tried to ask more questions, but the situation clearly told her that even if she wanted to know, there was no way to tell her. So Aaliyah hasn't blushed yet, but her eyes look like displeasure, and she's ashamed of people who say they're allies, but in reality they're just a secret group they don't want to talk about, and that's it. It's sad and frustrating.

however, chisner himself did not understand and continued to speak.

however, as we approach the end, I will take you one last time.

(how about this plot about unexpected friendships?)

when Aria finished the game and was about to leave, she felt a strange feeling as if on the other hand she had a purposeful expression on her face. It looks like the violence will end soon. .

but it should be a good change, right? why do I feel this way?

Aria continued to think, but her anxiety grew and she continued to speak slowly.

So that doesn't stop me?

Aria stared at her opponent. he really wanted to know the answer, but he didn't want to know if his partner would glare at him when he made a move. Not long ago, the enemy did that with the intent to kill, but on the other hand, God's power is not false. If he continues to be restless, Aaliyah will be forced.

No, I can't hit you now, it's not your first time meeting me, so you might feel better. this is the book of Azathoth. do you have a book?

. A function called bb mode, is it from the enemy camp? \If you think about it, priest, it is possible that this priest became the owner of the book of Azathoth. what terrible thing has happened to me?\

right? did I tell you about this magical book?

Even though she thought that in her heart, Aria acted as if nothing had happened. If that person was really from the enemy's magic faction, I would also be scared, but if it was someone else, there was no need to say such things directly. So there are two possibilities here.

(the first possibility is that the other party never knew the story of the book of Azathoth. the second possibility is that the enemy group never existed. this is just my opinion. this is a thought.)

of course, chisner was quick to respond.

Now, finally, before you die, please stop if this happens to you again. because this person is not someone you can talk to. but at this point it should be different. this man is still alive

A- 18 A+
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