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第95章 无光深渊(1 / 2)

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If chi were here, he would notice that this animal was similar to the one he had seen before.

If there's a difference, that's for sure. this beast was not as powerful as what An qi had seen before.

what is this?

the director looked at this animal that he had never seen before.

Even if it was just an image on a screen, it had a huge impact on him.

You can feel the magical power of the opponent through this video.

Its details are posted here, with excellent photos.

the difference is that no evil spirit es out of it, but only imaginary horrors that follow the image.

(do we call this a bination of supernatural power and artificial human power?)

(It's a beast, a strange beast, what's the end of it?)

(what's the point if my ultimate goal is to be such an animal?)

the director didn't believe it, but the reaction was great.

he makes horrible facial expressions, sometimes laughs loudly, sometimes cries loudly.

It is a beast called God.

In other words, he is called the crippled Son of God, or \God.\

however, that doesn't seem to be what I expected.

Amy replied sarcastically.

however, the director doesn't care if Amy's words are mocking or praising her. I'm not in the mood.

however, Amy doesn't care or understand what the director is thinking.

he was only thinking about what he said and what he would end up doing.

Although most of God's creations are useless and inpetent creatures. but - sometimes there are geniuses who are bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, but usually they are monsters not unlike warcraft, or worse.

I'm lucky, even the evil god has talent, so it's not bad.

Amy smiled.

of course, the evil Amy criticized didn't take her at her word.

A title like dart doesn't mean power, it's usually just a monster.

this robot turned animal is very talented, but he can only do so much with this talent.

She really pales in parison to the main demon, Amy wagers.

For him, such a situation is unexpected at best, and if you answer as above, it will be difficult and difficult.

the dragon begins to move, and the people who go to Area b are killed by the sound of a bell.

the animal walked slowly to the corner, then crossed it and came out the other corner.

Its sharp legs can easily penetrate the human body, waterproof clothing, and metal weapons.

Even the warriors driving Kai's car could not resist the monster.

with each blow, the power of the center is easily destroyed, and people are not fearless creatures.

20% of the workers died and the guard began to collapse.

there were many dead bodies lying on the ground.

the defense of force is ineffective against the evil known as the Almighty.

maybe the only way is to close Area b and then revive it.

however, considering the monster's abilities, ordinary blocks cannot be used.

At this point, as seen from the central control room, a dark figure approached from the surroundings, so this idea was correct.

It is impossible to see the face of this evil animal, which looks like a dream, but from the dark lines from the insects a scary smile and dirt can be seen.


the people screamed in the central voice control room, but the power of God quickly stopped their screams, because when the head is separated from the body, the people don't make a sound.

Five seconds passed before the entire room fell silent except for Amy and the principal.

hey, it's amazing, hahaha, maybe 31 times, it's broken again in the past because of one action, right? please set me straight? did false gods do this at this time, or did someone else do it? whatever happens, no matter how terrible the change, will at least make some difference to the endless suffering caused by the endless disaster.

what did you say

hearing Amy's words, the director suddenly asked, but when he met Amy's eyes, he was not like a person, but like a monster.

there is nothing this person needs to know, and even if I were the same person, I would be upset if I received the same explanation.

Amy herself seems to have no sense of privacy, perhaps because she has lived forever, and feels nothing.

Although the outside world was able to overe the barrier of the ancient gods, it was not good for the cycles of time and space. Amy also has no power, even though she has the power to fight against God and the love that created her, and even to kill him with her head, she can't do anything.

Also, Amy traveled here relying on the power of the false god Yog-Sothoth, but that power was unstoppable.

well, this eternal disaster is stopped by an interesting person. but this is definitely a \mr. world\ effect.

Now, Nancy and the others are in the limousine and soon reach their destination, but a conflict arises between Angel and Little Angel because although they look alike, they act and think differently.

Nancy used to think it was the world, but on reflection, if it was the same person, how could it be so different? well, that's not very reliable, so Nancy doesn't believe that a person can understand their past actions.

It took them a long time to reach the big hole.

So, did anyone else e? this time is big, this time it seems like the workers have arrived.

who are you?

Nancy was the only boy in the class who talked and looked at him strangely.

Lee Jereen, Lee Jereen. Edmund, it is not important to hear the name anymore. haha, pared to these things, let's cut it, it's your job.

but unfortunately he is not an employee, but it seems like he is not.

said little Anki, and ran again.

hey, there is such a thing as soul mates.

maybe we still won't survive.

the little Angel answered, but Nancy hesitated.

why did you e here if you knew you were going to die here?

If you want I will tell you the reason

the little angel looked into Nancy's eyes and said,

of course, there are also financial issues, and I don't think anyone will receive that even if they are blessed by God if they get paid and go home, and I don't think anyone will accept that. imagine that a voluntary deceased would be open to this. In his mission, in that case we might die better. but we chose this place because we can't live, unlike rich people like you, we don't have everything to live, so the best chose death. through

the little angel said smiling.

this place gives us, as volunteers, time to have fun. You can use this location for free before you start testing. best of all, you don't have to pay for anything, except for faith. I can't do anything.

Li Jerin also talked about the future.

I don't know who you are, but I hope that no one es here to die for any reason, except for harmless people. If you are not an employee, even if you are a reporter, do not leave work early and report later.

Actually, I'm not even a journalist.

Nancy spoke the truth and continued to be serious.

Actually, I am also a student here.

student? this school is hope Academy, but no one knows that it is not a school, but only a human experiment center, depending on the content of the experiment.

xiao Anqi said with an expression of disbelief.

Are you flirting with me? but remember, I don't care, if you want to leave it here, the recall is over, it's up to you if you listen or not, but it doesn't matter to me, anyway, I am me. he left the holy Land happily, I wouldn't blame you if I didn't say anything.

And you, twin, I don't know your name, but, well, you're going strong.

If so, I would be very worried.

Annie protested again, but she didn't look back for a moment.

At that time, the door of the big cave opened and the children entered as instructed.

Nancy, try hiding it. Need more energy?

huh? You didn't ask me to do that, did you? but it's not a dream, haha, it's like fear. where did it e from?

I don't know, I don't know, but I know it's time to run away.

Another man pulled out a gun then jumped to the side, firing at the same time.

In one situation, a scary person appeared. he is God Almighty, and the bullet hit God Almighty, but it seemed to fly in the air.

oh God, is it time?

he said worriedly, not really thinking why he suddenly got so many guns. maybe it has something to do with who sent him here.

the God of chance roared and struck An qi like a wild animal, but An turned around like a prophet and fired several bullets at the same time, all of the bullets hitting the God of chance's body. . but none of them left a bullet in the body.

I opened the magazine and gritted my teeth when I saw that there were only three bullets left. At the same time, Nancy's body was kicked and she punched Almighty God, but when Almighty God punched its stomach, it immediately fell asleep and fell to the ground and collapsed.

It's true that the \gods\ seen in horror novels aren't something that people struggle with, right? Is this quality a gift from God? It's really hard.

however, seeing that Nancy has lost her abilities, the Lord God has no intention of killing her, and the target is still qi.

book of fools 158 (51)

In this case, An qi could do nothing.

Faced with such a huge beast, a cold and trembling beast, Angel, who was only a human, was not impressed.

his thin arms were no match for the enemy, and his frail body was no match for the godlike beast that could destroy war machines at will.

As a high-level scout, qi did not have a strong fighting ability, and the personnel provided by the trojans were not very good.

the devices that An chi had planted against that beast seemed useless, and even if he tried to pete with it, it was like something that happened in a dream.

his eyes looked at her energy and his feet started to dance.

It was as if the ground shook and he lost the power to fly.

Looking at the dreamlike beast, An Yi's mind could not think of any good thoughts.

A fearful and sad state came over him, and he could not even speak.

he didn't know anything, all he knew was that there was no way this beast was going to let him go.

At least I don't understand why this beast appeared in this place, and why it came here is a mystery.

And it seems that there is no desired effect that the tool can rely on.

the bullet hit the monster's body, but failed to penetrate the enemy's vital points, causing the monster to \bee buddha.\

this type of weapon does not harm animals.

For malaika, this is not unacceptable.

Living in a vast world, Angel must be aware of the existence of strange creatures, and know that the forces of culture are no match for such creatures.

Robots of destruction are used, but they can be easy toys against some powerful monsters.

Like the gun in Ani's hand, it's clearly a toy within a toy, and monsters aren't effective against powerful monsters.

bullets fired from this weapon cannot penetrate the monster's magic field and do no damage.

but this time seems to be different.

Angel's bullet did not penetrate the opponent, but it penetrated.

In particular, it feels like Ghost Strike.

there were no bullet holes in the ship, and no signs of any penetration, and the bullets fired by the warcraft hit the back wall of the ship.

It is impossible for a bullet from an angel angle to hit the spot unless you know how to deflect the angel bullet.

So, when you think about it, An chi seems to have no explanation except that the monster's body looks like a ghost.

It's not just durability.

warcraft was actually just a fantasy, and this nonsense did not exist in An Yi's mind.

Influenced by previous work, he told Annie, ``It's a powerful presence.''

If this is normal, then warcraft should interfere with the material world, but the material world cannot be contacted by it.

how can a life without meaning bee the beast that Annie meets?

If so, An thought that his bullet should not be fired at the warcraft, but at himself.

At least it's not hard to die this way.

(Is this a magical effect?)

(No, that's not true. If all the information in front of you is the same, that means you have no power to resist.)

(A trojan horse is not necessarily an insurmountable obstacle; there is always a way.)

(maybe the survival mechanism has been around for a long time and it just happened because I ignored it?)

thinking about it, I felt that something was wrong, and well, I was disappointed.

I couldn't stop myself from falling into the depths of despair, but I continued to control myself so that I wouldn't give up no matter what I thought.

(You can use magic if you want to fight magic.)

. )

however, while he was thinking about it, his left hand slowly touched a forbidden book called ``Secret of transfiguration,'' which had a dark and heretical approach.

this is the hope of those you love and respect.

ii will not allow this to happen, no matter who it is. ii will not allow others to take away his hope. And it will happen.

Even death could not disappoint him.

Annie looked on with emotion, thinking of stopping immediately.

two seconds passed and time was up.

Annie then raised her gun and pointed at the animal's body.

however, this system does not produce any effect except to increase the size of the animal.

malaika's legs as she stood on the ground began to tremble with physical fear, and her lower body seemed to have no ground in it.

however, he no longer worries about such physical problems and forgets everything he has heard.

At the same time, An Yi thought about it and remembered everything that happened from the beginning of this game until now, all the answers, all the clues.

And in the next moment, An Yi did something he had never done before.

his heart was filled with peace and no violent thoughts.

Use the gun as a sacrificial knife, shoot the gun as a sacrifice, accept death as a sacrifice.

prayer to a new god, a life-or-death blow, and a sacrifice.

I don't know if it is effective or not, but I have no interest mind, so there is no way that I would naturally do such a careless act.

Such thoughts affect purity and bee nothing.

the reason he did that in the first place was because he remembered something.

In other words, there is a real God in this world.

A God who performs miracles and severe punishments according to his will.

they are different from evil gods such as elders and outside gods.

this god has more power than humans, but he also shows some favor to humans.

pared to the evil god, the evil god among them will not be given much attention.

At best, this is a difficult relationship between humans, but the relationship between evil gods and humans is definitely not that easy.

but the most important thing is close relationships with people.

Evil causes a reaction, like calling God by the wrong name.

praying to that God who is close to the people can be similar to sending a message.

If it gets God's attention, that's great.

If the answer is no, the consequences could not be worse.

however, during the prayer the angel changed.

Instead of praying to a new god, why not choose a more powerful one?

there is a big difference between the elders and the gods here, but aren't there also elders in this world who are different from the ancients?

they are evil gods, dark abominations made by the hands of love.

A life full of confusion, facelessness, evil and hatred.

It may not be a conscious choice, but subconsciously he made this decision.

he gave everything he had to those bad people.

this is a partial prayer and it is impossible to get results or have your prayers answered.

but whether it is a dream of hope or a dream of despair, miracles always happen, and their existence is not a coincidence.

of course this is not possible.

It's not a miracle, it's inevitable.

Annie's current thoughts, judgments, and God's mysterious answers all have a reason and are inevitable.

however, as a human, qi could not understand why.

he had no way of understanding or knowing why.

For malaika, it is 100% a miracle, a miracle that there is no reason to deny.

I remembered that since I was a wretched spirit born into this world, it was only natural for me to ask for divine protection.

miraculously, the rainbow light of the night shone in his eyes.

In addition, the yellow color is brighter and more beautiful than other gems.

but it remained in his eyes like dirt.

Yi did not notice the appearance of this strange phenomenon, and An Yi himself also did not know what happened to his body.

he aimed and stopped the car, the fire exploded in the mouth and the bullet hit the monster's body.

however, this miraculous event did not seem to change the behavior of the bullet, and even though the animal's body re-entered, the bullet hit the cart as if nothing had happened, and the light changed.

(but that's enough)

It's natural to be disappointed when you see results like this.

however, the answer in Annie's mind was her own voice.

he looked angry but also happy.

he himself did not know why, but the next time he knew why he did it.

the bullet that penetrated the plane fell with a strange light, and Yakin's appearance immediately began to distort, and his body was broken like a broken doll. he immediately broke up with me.

what emerged from the monster's explosion was a human-like body.

the body is not breathing and the blood is not the same as a corpse.

Even though he had been dead for a long time, An Yi could clearly see the familiar figure of the man.

Although he would never meet Angel in this world, his appearance was no different when he was in troy's room.

No wounds were noticed on the wolf's exterior either, but when they saw it, no one could deny that it was a dead body.

this man, who must be called Ray Jelene Edmund, appeared before Annie as a corpse.

Even though he was new, he never expected to be a strong candidate here.

when An Yi learned this fact, he was surprised, but his action was faster than he expected.

he didn't think about it, and his body immediately began to move, this kind of killing ability was difficult even for An Yi.

Another Yi quickly came out and quickly grabbed Lei Zhenlin's fallen body.

Upon contact, a powerful force was released from the contact and Annie suddenly severed her hand.

but Ani soon realized that it was just an illusion and that her body was not as weak or strong as she thought.

Even if he could get his fallen body up quickly, it might be too easy for An qi.

this kind of thing was difficult to understand until now, but at this moment, whether An Yi understood it or not, he must have known that An qi had this kind of power.

his thin, weak arms seemed to have incredible strength.

At that moment, the only sensations that An ii felt from his hands were the coldness, heat from the dead body, and something like frozen meat that didn't e out of the freezer.

Now, An Yi didn't want to admit it, but he couldn't deny that the thing he was holding was not a living thing, but a corpse.

are you dead

A qi does not want to use his talent, but unless he is attacking mysterious creatures, using this talent is not a big problem.

As with his role as a detective back in high school, he has no problem showing off his talent with corpses.

In this way, the next time An i used his consciousness, the information about the deceased entered his mind.

Lei Zhelin himself was not killed. In this case, the assumption that Lei Zhelin killed him when he turned into a monster is wrong.

No need to be a monster at all. It's just a container for animals.

but why does the other side have this opportunity? why do some think it is an animal box?

he hadn't thought about it yet, but he had a few simple assumptions.

will the dead be raised like animals? Is this a beast related to the \cthulhu mythos\? does that mean we're in the middle of the story? well, it is not a coincidence that there is a new god ing to us, but because we are tied to what happened from the beginning, the curse of the brotherhood will attract those who are bound, the new god I hope you will benefit from it. . curse?

As he spoke, the rainbow light in his eyes grew larger and larger, as if he was staring at an enemy, and he said aloud:

So, are you all here, is a new god seeing all this, or is it all you expect here? sign out! New God, don't you understand?

he screamed in the second part of the sentence because he realized that he had been played from the beginning, like standing on the trojan horse and letting go of fate. Everything is a lie. when the data was destroyed, An II began to understand more about the world, and the apparent changes in the data created convinced him that there was a new god here.

well, it exceeded our expectations.

A beautiful figure with long golden hair tied back and an anachronistic lavender dress appeared on a nearby tV and answered in a fairy tale voice.

Just because time is not our domain doesn't mean everything is wrong. can't you feel that at least the aura in your body is clear? Everything, stinks.

that's why we insist that there is no fraud.

what do you think about trojan horses?

Skye is confused by his use of skills and even tells him about the trojans. In New Gods tV, Veronica didn't seem to understand what she was saying.

trojan horse? what is a trojan horse?

. It is possible. Even all the trojan rulers and rulers could not control things. No, this is the only way the game works, especially for trojan Gold. (there are no other answers.)

Vani has no courage now because his understanding seems to be worldly. I thought that the world was not bad, that I was the only one who was wrong, and there was no point in talking about it. the silver ring of light flashed with a silver flame, but after about half a minute, it disappeared.

it is power

the angel was meant to reveal the power of God, the power of the trojan horse. And the power that the great gods of the world have, even if only temporarily, should not be ignored. Angel wants to tell Veronica that Angel is not important and is an employee of trojan. So don't be silly in front of yourself.

however, as Angel expected, Veronica's behavior was worse than Angel expected.

Is it like this? when did you meet Lovecraft? the only power you can use should be the ancient immortal power. No wonder they don't know where it is, or are they using divine power?

what a sin!

. In general, I have no experience in finding the designs of trojan games. (In this game, you fight using animal names.)

Veronica is not on tV, the old tV is off and showing a black image, but An II knows something is wrong.

(of course this is not a place to stay, but if you want to fly, where do you go? by the way, the new god is the god who controls technology, and hope Academy seems to have a secret related to evil god. . . better to go in and hide. It's okay, no harm done.)

So Angel placed Nancy's body on his back and ran down the street as fast as he could. Although Ii was not very strong, he had no problem reaching this position, and Ii also knew that there was a secret passage nearby that led to the top. the location of the final conspiracy and all that is hidden will be revealed here, whether it is the origin of the cthulhu mythos, a new divine conspiracy, or Arya's case, they will all be answered. . he believed that he was involved in a conspiracy in the secret department.

but the mystery soon bees clear as to why everything does not seem to end at this point.

If I had time to think about it, I would feel like I was being manipulated into something, but I don't have time for that.

the angel acts on instinct and intuition without thinking.

book of madness 159 (52)

meanwhile, Aria managed to get to a small town called Innsmouth.

Although everything here has a golden charm and a friendly atmosphere.

however, when Aria pared it with her imagination, she realized that she knew nothing about the place.

It was unknown and it was not the Innsmouth I knew.

It is not difficult to understand, because there are so many negative factors.

For example, this place is almost cut off from modern civilization, but in its place there are some magical features.

Aria seems to see such techniques, but if you think about it, Innsmouth is a fishing village that is very different from the modern magical civilization in front of you.

the technology created here is different from the technology used outside, and is pure magic and alchemy.

the Innsmouth that Aria knows is actually a fishing village that adheres to \one truth.\

of course it's not a fishing village, it's a village with the same name and the same look, but it's different.

there shouldn't be a place like that in this world.

I can assure you that this is definitely not the Innsmouth I know, and while there will be disagreements, the difference is so great, so overwhelming, that it will change before you know it.

of course, if it's Innsmouth, there's no way I won't see you there.

Similarly, the whately family I knew didn't seem to exist except for the eldest son, the god of sin, and the powerless wizard - because the rest were dead.

but there is a small problem.

xiao Ai coldly tells Aria that she has no expression and looks like a sick woman.

his face and scarf looked desperate.

Ai Leia's young love was no different from his appearance, but somehow Ai Leia felt that her partner gave her a sense of familiarity and strangeness at the same time.

Yes, it wasn't supposed to be like this, the love she knew wasn't like this.

that energy turned into electricity and ran through Aria's body.

however, no matter what he thought, he couldn't see xiao Ai.

Now this feeling of memory loss is ing back and I can't seem to get it under control.

there is no way to understand or know what it is.

Secrets emerge and accumulate.

Is this a small problem? where is the problem?

that's your problem, the watley family.

because you don't need to know what this family is. the only place I worked was in Innsmouth and I only worked at miskatonic University while I was studying. how do we know things? have we failed?

In the world of magic, the whatley family is not famous, there are only a few of them, and most of them are inexperienced.

So I don't need to know that, truth defies knowledge, but I do, I know your family, and I know the wortley name.

this is probably because, as many of you reading this probably already know, our family is also famous.

Aria then replied that maybe she was a bit angry with xiao Ai's words that there is no dignity in the magical world.

of course, Aria strongly disagrees with this opinion.

As Aaliyah said, her face was not red, as if she was telling the truth.

this character also shows Arya's true emotions.

what has been said so far is true, so why should we be sad?

ordinary people don't have confidence or trust in themselves, but since what they say is true, Aria can't tell if she's lying or telling the truth, as you suddenly said.

It is not impossible. As a student of magic, I only read magic books, and Vateri's name is not the most famous in the world of magic. I don't know when I learned that name.

why did you say that? do you remember when and what kind of education you received? Even just a paragraph of text, do you remember the exact moment?

Aria couldn't believe how xiao Ai hadn't heard wateli's name when he was at miskatonic University.

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