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mand the 31st division to invade the people's bank of china area, and ensure that the people's bank of china is in our hands! If you can take it home to Lefu and the people's hospital, if you can't, you can stand by the solid fortifications of the people's bank of china!

order Zhao changhan to mobilize the 30th division to reinforce the Global convention and Exhibition center and mercial Street, and make sure to firmly control this circular area!

mobilize military artillery battalions and deploy them to the location of people's park, conducting indiscriminate shelling towards the second to third ring roads!

mobilize military special operations battalions and guard the three forked road intersection south of the First Ring Road. we must not lose this strategic position. mand dong wen to assemble the 32nd division and replace the 37th division, and then let other troops gather on their own as reserve forces to be mobilized at any time Nian Kuang ordered the army to repeatedly mobilize and deploy to urgently support the crumbling defense line.

After finishing all this, Nian Kuang came to his senses and said, \how did you deal with those three giant zombies

the officer in charge of the Second Line of defense in cuixi district is a Lieutenant General level deputy mander of the thirteenth Army, named Ye bufan, who is a staunch descendant of Sun Zaichen. At this moment, Ye bufan is urgently municating with General qiu wuyuan about the bat situation and assisting him in pleting the deployment of the mobilized troops.

Upon hearing Nian Kuang's inquiry, General Ye bufan raised his head and supported the eyeglass frame on the bridge of his nose, Speak in an orderly manner: captain, in the previous battle, we had already concentrated heavy artillery firepower and narrowly managed to kill a giant zombie. however, the 36th division, which was responsible for containing the giant zombie, was also covered and sacrificed by gunfire. Now, one of the remaining three zombies is in the direction of the green mountains and waters in the western section of the First Ring Road. the 37th division has already been crippled by the zombie wave led by this zombie. currently, this zombie wave is moving south and has been stationed in the mercial street team firefight.

the second giant zombie is still hovering in the department store north of the Second Ring Road, which is the defense line of the 38th division and should be being held back by the 38th division.

As for the third zombie, its threat is even greater. It has already broken through a ring and entered the central urban area, and is now being restrained by a group of senior soldiers led by the Five Elders of Shaolin

Shaolin Five Elders? \Nian Kuang was stunned.

oh, it's like this. Sun Shuai recruited some insightful individuals with special abilities from the public and formed a special bat team, among which the Five Elders of Shaolin are the outstanding ones, \General Ye bufan explained.

Nian Kuang was a bit angry when he heard this: \Lao Sun is really not taking the time to admonish the army to reorganize its bat readiness, but instead spending his energy on the sidelines. It's simply not doing the right thing

when Nian Shuai became angry, everyone remained silent.

wang qiang had been standing behind Nian Shuai, listening to his strategic deployment, but couldn't get in touch for a while. At this moment, seeing him plaining while everyone remained silent, wang qiang felt that he had the opportunity to speak and said, \hey, old man, stop plaining. to be honest, how can this zombie be beaten

the generals present were all stunned before turning their gaze to wang qiang.

After such a long meeting, everyone regarded wang qiang as a close aide to Nian Shuai. Although this aide seemed a bit younger and more popular in appearance, he was not impressed, to the extent that many people's eyes automatically filtered out wang qiang.

however, at this moment, as soon as wang qiang spoke, it suddenly lit up.

previously, the officers who came to the front line with General Nian also had some knowledge and speculated whether wang qiang and General Nian had any private relationship. Seeing wang qiang speak like this, it was even more certain that there was a certain possibility of existence.

As for the generals who have been fighting in cuixi district, they have no idea what this is. Some people openly call Nian Kuang an old man, which is something they dare not even think of!

what's even more speechless is that when Nian Kuang heard wang qiang speak, he not only didn't get angry, but instead turned his head and asked, \what are your plans

wang qiangguan didn't care about the extraterrestrial gaze of the surrounding generals, but thought for a moment and said, \Give me some people, I'll see if I can kill the giant zombies

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