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第30章 决战30(2 / 2)

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As the ice traveled up her neck and to her jaw, Arepa looked to one person, and one person only. 当冰块沿着她的脖子上升,达到下颚时,阿瑞帕只看向一个人。


It captured her mouth before she could finish the last syllable. 它在她还没有说完最后一个音节之前封住了她的嘴巴。

It captured her head, and it captured her hair. 它捕捉住了她的头部,捕捉住了她的头发。

Arepa was pletely frozen. 阿瑞帕完全被冰封住了。

Gohan crumbled to his knees. 悟饭跪倒在地。

whatever the twins were trying wasn\\u0027t working. 无论双胞胎在尝试什么都没有效果。

the nonstop lootive that was Arepa had e to a stop. 一直不停的阿瑞帕仿佛停了下来。

he couldn\\u0027t collect a single thought, his body just as frozen as hers from the shock. 他无法收集任何一个思想,他的身体和她一样被震惊而冻结。

She was looking right at him, frozen in a desperate plea to him for help. 她凝视着他,绝望地请求他的帮助。

when she needed him to save her for once, he couldn\\u0027t do anything. 当她需要他来拯救她时,他却无能为力。

And then, she shattered. 然后,她破碎了。

thousands of tiny pieces, like she wasn\\u0027t a person and just an ordinary ice sculpture. 成千上万的小碎片,仿佛她不是一个人,只是一个普通的冰雕。

Not a single trace of the beautiful, crass, and stubborn teenage girl had been left. 美丽、粗鲁和固执的少女再也没有留下一丝痕迹。

She was just a pile of frost coating the pavement. 她只是一堆覆盖在路面上的霜。

the others hadn\\u0027t even known her until today, but were no less appalled. 其他人直到今天甚至都不认识她,但他们同样感到震惊。

Lazuli covered her mouth with both hands and fell to the floor with wide eyes and a shudder. 拉祖利双手捂住嘴,瞪大眼睛颤抖着倒在地上。

Gohan couldn\\u0027t move. 悟饭动弹不得。

he stared at the ground where Arepa once stood, even as the storm\\u0027s wind swept away what was left of her into the air, and even onto his face. 他凝视着阿瑞帕曾站立的地方,即使风暴的风将她的残骸吹散在空中,甚至吹到他的脸上。

Every sense of his had shut down, his mind just replaying an assortment of memories, ones not just of her, but with Vegeta. 他的每一个感官都关闭了,他的思绪只是回放着一系列的回忆,不仅是她的回忆,还有与贝吉塔的回忆。

\\\death waits for us all, kid...\\\ \\\死亡等待着我们所有人,孩子......\\\

he was really gone. 他真的离开了。

\\\when you\\u0027re ready to fight him – say the word, and I\\u0027ll be there.\\\ \\\当你准备好与他战斗时——说出来,我会在那里。\\\

She was gone. 她离开了。

\\\I hope you now understand what happens when you act against me, boy. Everything you care about crumbles.\\\ \\\希望你现在明白了,当你反对我时会发生什么,小子。你关心的一切都会崩溃。\\\

And the nightmare had arrived. 噩梦已经来临。

\\\the sins of the father...\\\ \\\父亲的罪孽......\\\

that haunting, revolting voice arose from the nigh-bottomless pit of darkness, burns coating his skin, smoke emanating from his limbs and filling the moist air. 那个令人困扰、令人厌恶的声音从近乎无底的黑暗深渊中崛起,灼伤覆盖着他的皮肤,烟雾从他的四肢散发出来,充满了潮湿的空气。

of all the black storm clouds filling the sky, raining down on the heroes, Frieza\\u0027s eyes were the blackest of them all. 在遍布天空的黑色暴风云中,倾泻在英雄们头上的,弗利萨的眼睛是最黑暗的。

\\\one man had the temerity to oppose my destruction of his primitive, disorderly race of filth.\\\ \\\有一个人竟然胆敢反对我摧毁他那个原始、无序的肮脏种族。\\\

he gave birth to one weakling who persisted under my thumb, and another who escaped it. 他生下了一个顽强地屈服于我掌控之下的弱者,还有一个逃脱了我的控制。

the latter gave birth to a mongrel mutt, and the former dragged him into my sights. 后者生下了一个杂种狗,而前者把他带到了我的视线中。

Gohan heard him speak, but his words traveled in one ear, and out the other. Gohan听到了他说话,但他的话从一只耳朵进去,又从另一只耳朵出来。

\\\that mutt has been quite the thorn in my side, and for that, he shall be the last to suffer, and suffer he will. \\\but as for his dog of a father…\\\

\\\that mutt对我来说一直是个讨厌的难题,因此他将是最后一个受苦的人,他将遭受苦难。 \\\但是对于他那个狗父亲来说......\\\

though spent of his energy, Goku held firm and braced himself, prepared for anything. 尽管精疲力竭,悟空仍然坚定地站稳脚跟,做好了任何准备。

\\\You piece of shit…\\\ Gohan growled the phrase from the foulest, most vengeful depths of his soul, yet his outer shell was one of only despair. \\\你这个狗屎......\\\ Gohan从他灵魂最恶劣、最报复心理的深处咆哮着这句话,然而他的外壳只剩下绝望。

both of them were gone - the hazardous flame that guided him through the black tunnel, and the bright light at the end. 他们两个都离去了——引导他穿过黑暗隧道的危险火焰,以及最后的光明。

the inescapable nightmare that violated Gohan\\u0027s mind since the aftermath of Kabnet\\u0027s defeat had bee a reality. 自Kabnet战斗后,无法逃脱的噩梦侵犯了Gohan的心灵,现在已经成为现实。

As he always feared, he was powerless to stop it. 正如他一直担心的那样,他无力阻止。

he couldn\\u0027t access the strength he clung to; he couldn\\u0027t even put up a fight. 他无法发挥他依靠的力量,甚至无法进行抵抗。

Instead, he could only watch as they were extinguished. 相反,他只能眼睁睁地看着它们熄灭。

Gohan had no more light left. Gohan再也没有了光芒。

As his rush of tears grew steadier, his sobs grew louder, and his convulsions grew uglier, Gohan lost his grip on everything. 随着他的眼泪越来越稳定,他的哭声越来越大,他的抽搐越来越丑陋,Gohan失去了对一切的掌控。

his power, his sanity, his will to live slipped away into a black hole that only carried all of the violent, bloodthirsty impulses he always ran away from. 他的力量、理智和生存意志溜进了一个只带有他总是逃避的暴力、嗜血冲动的黑洞中。

\\\Foolish boy…we\\u0027re more alike than you think.\\\ \\\愚蠢的孩子...我们比你想象的更相似。\\\

\\\I\\u0027d kill just to be normal again. how \\u0027bout you?\\\ \\\我愿意付出一切来重新变得正常。你呢?\\\

the lightning that had powered Arepa\\u0027s final act of bravery intensified. 推动Arepa最后勇敢行动的闪电愈发强烈。

the beast that had destroyed many lives ripped through Gohan\\u0027s heart. 摧毁了许多生命的野兽撕裂了Gohan的心脏。

his power expanded under the volcanic temperatures of his boiling Saiyan blood. 在他沸腾的赛亚人血液的火山温度下,他的力量不断扩张。

Flashes of gold sparked Gohan\\u0027s hair while he snarled like a beast yearning for his prey. 金色的闪光点闪烁在Gohan的头发上,他咆哮着,就像一只渴望猎物的野兽。

ten years of anguish finally let itself out in a blood-curdling roar that could be heard from every corner of the Earth, power exploding from Gohan\\u0027s body that forced all of the Earth\\u0027s fighters off their feet and even blew Frieza away. 十年的痛苦最终以一声刺骨的咆哮释放出来,可以从地球的每个角落听到,Gohan的身体爆发出力量,让地球上的所有战士都摔倒在地,甚至把Frieza吹走。

Even the sturdiest buildings within miles crumbled to pieces. 数英里之内最坚固的建筑也支离破碎。

A golden wave of pressure ripped through Gohan, igniting his black eyes to teal. 一股金色的压力波破开了Gohan,将他的黑眼睛点亮为青绿色。

his black hair electrified into a jagged dam of golden locks. 他的黑发变成了一道金色的锯齿状堤坝。

the deepest cells within his blood erupted into an explosion of power and fury that overtook his entire self until a blinding light flashed over all of west city. 他血液中最深的细胞爆发出一股力量和愤怒的爆炸,充斥着他的整个身体,直到一道耀眼的光芒闪过整个西城。

In the wake of the light, Gohan stumbled back onto his feet. 在光芒的余波中,Gohan重新站起来。

though his arms hung loosely at his sides, his vengeful teal eyes stood heavier than they ever had, carrying a miserable decade of pain. 尽管他的手臂松弛地垂在身旁,他复仇的青绿色眼睛比以往任何时候都更加沉重,承载着十年的痛苦。

his physical injuries forgotten and his senses restored, Gohan slowly turned around and aimed his head at the object of his odious wrath. 他忘记了自己的身体伤势,感觉恢复了,Gohan慢慢转过身,将头对准了他憎恶的目标。

Frieza, the shameless, genocidal tyrant, cowered in fear in the face of his brilliant new power. Frieza,这个无耻的种族灭绝暴君,在他耀眼的新力量面前畏缩不已。

with shreds of ice still coating his face, and tears spilling down to his chin, Gohan stood tall, ready to fight. 面上仍然有碎冰,泪水流过下巴,孙悟空挺立着,准备战斗。

Grief, regret, and remorse no longer had any room inside his Saiyan body. 悲伤、后悔和愧疚不再在他赛亚人的身体里占据任何空间。

there was only revenge. 只剩下复仇。

Every last one of Gohan\\u0027s senses felt like a signal obliterating a scale, his vision tighter, his ears more porous, the scent of tiny little microbes detectable to his nostrils. 孙悟空的每一种感官都感觉像一种信号,摧毁着衡量尺度,他的视觉更为敏锐,他的耳朵更为通透,甚至可以嗅到微小微生物的气味。

Yet, he didn\\u0027t even really notice the dumbstruck stares of his father and the other Earthlings, or their incoherent sputtering. 然而,他几乎没有注意到他父亲和其他地球人目瞪口呆的凝视,或者他们语无伦次的喃喃自语。

his body ran purely on bloodlust, all of it centered on the grey \\u0026 purple lizard hovering above, staring at Gohan in the same manner virtually every being in the universe regarded him – like an apparition that would serve as the last thing he\\u0027d ever see before a misery-packed death, eyes bulging, mouth a sputtering hole, every inch of his body trembling. 他的身体完全被杀戮的欲望所驱使,所有的注意力都集中在盘旋在上方的灰紫色蜥蜴身上,它以几乎宇宙中的每一个存在对待他的方式盯着孙悟空,就像一个幻影,将成为他在充满痛苦的死亡之前所见到的最后一件事情,眼睛凸出,嘴巴喷射着,身体每一寸都在颤抖。

Gohan didn\\u0027t know where this tidal wave of power rushing through him had e from, and frankly he didn\\u0027t care. 孙悟空不知道这股冲击着他的力量大浪是从哪里来的,坦率地说,他不关心。

All he knew was, he wanted to slaughter Frieza with every microfiber of his being. 他唯一知道的是,他想用自己的一切力量屠杀弗利萨。

\\\what is-\\\ “这是什么-”

Gohan was floating in front of him before he could spit it out. 孙悟空在他还来不及吐出来之前就漂浮在他面前。

Up close \\u0026 personal with those thunderous teal eyes and golden blaze, even Frieza, emperor of half the universe, cowered like a child. 与那双雷鸣般的青绿色眼睛和金色的火焰近距离接触,即使是统治着半个宇宙的弗利萨,也像个孩子一样畏缩了。

the half-Saiyan curled his lips back, trying to grapple the torrent of emotions circling his mind at the contemptible sight of his former oppressor. 这个半赛亚人露出了嘴角,试图应对他对昔日压迫者的可鄙之感所引发的情绪澎湃。

operating only on his destructive survival instincts, Frieza fired a pink blast that Gohan literally tore through like a sheet of paper before landing the punch of a lifetime, a decade of bottled-up anger blasting his jaw. 凭借着毁灭性的生存本能,弗利萨发射出一道粉色的能量波,而孙悟空几乎像撕纸一样撕裂了它,然后一拳打中了弗利萨的下巴,十年来积压的愤怒爆发。

Frieza slammed into the ground at the same speed as the lightning ripping through the skies, and skidded about a hundred feet on the landing. 弗利萨以雷鸣般的速度砸向地面,滑行了大约一百英尺才停下来。

And as soon as he got up, Gohan crushed him with a rib-shattering kick that sent him to the spot where he had originally landed. 弗利萨刚站起来,孙悟空就用一脚击碎了他的肋骨,把他踢到了他最初着陆的地方。

Gohan didn\\u0027t give him a chance to recuperate either, somersaulting high into the air and ing down with both feet plowing into his chest. 孙悟空也没有给他恢复的机会,他翻了个筋斗高高跃起,双脚重重地砸在弗利萨的胸口。

the sound of Frieza\\u0027s gurgled gasps for air did little to satisfy Gohan\\u0027s inner monster. 弗利萨呜咽着试图呼吸的声音对于满足孙悟空内心的怪物来说几乎没有起到任何作用。

the golden-glowing Saiyan lifted Frieza up by his neck and plastered his stomach with punch after punch after punch, hitting about twenty in the course of a second. 那个金色的赛亚人抓住弗利萨的脖子,接连不断地击打他的胃部,一秒钟内出手了大约二十次。

when he finally let Frieza go, he rocked him with a single kick that doubled the preceding shower punches in cumulative power. 当他最终放开弗利萨时,他用一脚重击了他,使得之前的连续拳击的累积力量倍增。

Frieza flew into one the few buildings still standing and shattered it into a pile of scrap metal. 弗利萨飞向一座仍然屹立的建筑物,将其击碎成一堆废铁。

with violent impulses dictating his every movement, Gohan didn\\u0027t wait for Frieza to e out in a temper tantrum or even for the smoke to clear; he just flew right into the dust shower, found the lizard through his scent alone and grabbed him by what was left of his tail. 在暴力冲动主导着他的每一个动作,孙悟空没有等待弗利萨发怒或者等到烟雾散去,他直接飞进了尘埃飞舞的地方,仅凭气味找到了那只蜥蜴,然后抓住了他断尾的部分。

After flinging Frieza into the sky, he zipped up to him, grabbed him by both of his tube-like ears, and slammed his skull into his violet shell three times in succession. 将弗利萨抛向天空后,他迅速飞到他身边,用双手抓住他管状的耳朵,连续三次将他的头颅猛砸在他紫色的甲壳上。

the last one was so bad, Frieza ricocheted into the severed top half of a skyscraper. 最后一下砸得很重,弗利萨弹射到了一座割裂的摩天大楼的上半部分。

Gohan raised his fist and looked at it less like his own body part and more like a gun that happened to be attached to his arm. 孙悟空举起他的拳头,看着

A smattering of his volatile Ki ignited around it, and after charging himself up, Gohan came down like a golden warhead and drove himself and Frieza through the roof.


they landed on the pavement at the bottom of the toppled structure.


the roofing and office supplies that fell onto his head didn\\u0027t even bother him as he got right back up and blasted Frieza through the wall and back into the


rainy outdoors. 在雨水湿润的户外。

As he stalked through the hole he created, Gohan never let his eyes leave Frieza. 当孙悟空穿过他打开的洞穴时,他从未将目光离开弗利萨。

the tyrant who smugly imposed his terror on all who stood before him now sat in a puddle, trying to crawl away from Gohan like he was a child and the teenager was the monster under his bed he had always been warned about. 这个傲慢地对所有站在他面前的人施加恐怖的暴君现在坐在一个水坑中,试图像一个孩子一样逃离孙悟空,而这个少年就像他一直被警告的床底下的怪物。

After closing the gap between them, he stopped Frieza\\u0027s pitiful fleeing efforts by stepping on one of his toes. 在拉近他们之间的距离后,孙悟空通过踩住弗利萨的脚趾来阻止他可悲的逃跑努力。

After a few seconds of staring without any way to articulate his wrath, he simply whipped his now golden, furry tail out and smacked it across his face – just like Frieza had done to him the day they had first bee acquainted. 在几秒钟的盯着对方而没有办法表达他的愤怒后,孙悟空只是挥动他现在金黄色的毛茸茸的尾巴,狠狠地抽打在弗利萨的脸上,就像弗利萨在他们初次相识的那天对他做的那样。

he didn\\u0027t stop at just smacking Frieza with his tail, either. 他甚至没有停下来,继续用尾巴抽打弗利萨。

Like the tyrant had done to Vegeta before he intervened, Gohan wrapped the fuzzy digit around his throat and lifted him up, squeezing until a shade of indigo rushed to his cheeks. 就像暴君在他干预之前对待贝吉塔那样,孙悟空用毛茸茸的尾巴缠绕住他的喉咙,把他抬起来,直到一丝靛蓝色涌上他的脸颊。

Gasping for air and desperate to free himself, Frieza aimed an elbow at Gohan\\u0027s temple; however, even in the middle of his tornado of rage, the Saiyan\\u0027s mind remained sharp. 弗利萨为了呼吸而喘息,并且绝望地想要挣脱,他朝孙悟空的太阳穴挥出一肘;然而,即使在他的愤怒漩涡中,赛亚人的头脑仍然清晰。

he effortlessly shifted his head away and looked Frieza right in his rotten eyes. 他毫不费力地转移了头,直视弗利萨那双腐朽的眼睛。

\\\how does it feel, huh?\\\ Gohan growled like a caged animal, his voice even slightly deeper. “感觉如何,嗯?”孙悟空像一只被困的动物一样低声咆哮,他的声音甚至有些沉重。

\\\how does it feel?!\\\ “感觉如何?!”

\\\c-curse…you…monkey…\\\ Frieza spat, even as his veins swelled under the golden tail\\u0027s tightening grip. “诅咒……你……猴子……”弗利萨咬牙切齿地说道,即使在金色尾巴越来越紧的控制下,他的血管膨胀起来。

For that response, Gohan drove his knee into Frieza\\u0027s stomach. 作为回应,孙悟空用膝盖猛击弗利萨的胃部。

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