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第1章 大结局1(1 / 2)

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\\\this isn\\u0027t over by a long shot. You fucking hear me?!\\\


the ends of Gohan\\u0027s lips flapped like a rabid wolf\\u0027s snout, emphasizing every last syllable.


Just to punctuate his statement, he punched Frieza right on the top of his nose like it was a magic button.


Expertly wielding his tail like a rope, Gohan swung Frieza\\u0027s body up, curled his own leg up, and smashed the back of his grey spine into his knee.


when Frieza\\u0027s vocal agony only came out as an air-deprived gasp, Gohan sucked his teeth in annoyance.


the vice grip of his tail denied him the pleasure of hearing Frieza scream, like the bastard would always subject him to in his punishments.


After freeing Frieza\\u0027s neck of his tail, he lifted him back up and treated his body like plywood when he brought him down onto his knee a second time.


that time, Frieza shrieked from the top of his lungs. For once, his shrill cacophony of a voice was music to Gohan\\u0027s ears.


\\\You brought this all on yourself,\\\ Gohan seethed, heaving erratically. his body quaked under the rigors of his temper.

\\\这一切都是你自找的,\\\ 孙悟饭气急败坏地说道,他的身体不规则地起伏。他的身体在愤怒的挣扎中颤抖。

\\\Gohan…\\\ his father\\u0027s voice rang from a few feet behind him, watching the violent display from the sky. A solemn, but daunted expression coated his face.

\\\悟饭……\\\ 他父亲的声音从他身后几英尺处传来,从天空中注视着暴力的场面。他脸上洋溢着庄重而畏惧的表情。

while Gohan gave him his attention, he didn\\u0027t relinquish his submission hold on Frieza.


\\\Look, I ain\\u0027t sayin\\u0027 he deserves any mercy,\\\ Goku said, \\\but there\\u0027s a limit. I know you\\u0027re angry, but you don\\u0027t wanna get too swept up and lose yourself again.

\\\听着,我并不是说他应该得到任何宽容,\\\ 孙悟空说道,\\\但是有一个限度。我知道你很生气,但你不想过于陷入其中,再次迷失自己。\\\Gohan lowered his knee and let Frieza fall onto the pavement, but not without slapping his white boot onto his chest.


he turned to his father with a scolding glare he hadn\\u0027t given him since the vexing early days of his return to Earth.


\\\I\\u0027m not losing shit, father.\\\


Gohan redirected his sickle-like eyes to his helpless oppressor.


he hadn\\u0027t felt so corrosively volatile since he assumed the power of the Great Ape in his normal body and nearly became the one to gruesomely end Vegeta\\u0027s life. but it was different this time.


bloodthirsty, animalistic wrath consumed his brain, but it was sharp and focused. his mind was as clear as a pile of shattered glass.


A year earlier and he would have killed his father right now for disrupting his rampage.


\\\I know exactly what I\\u0027m doing. I\\u0027m treating him like the trash that he is!\\\


with that, he removed his foot from his chest and kicked his body into the air. he flew after him, far from finished with his pursuit of vengeance.


the same beam that had ended Vegeta\\u0027s life left Frieza\\u0027s finger and raced towards his face, but he simply swatted it away with nary a tingle to his hand.


Upon finishing his flight, he finally found it in himself to smile; but it wasn\\u0027t one of joy, but of the type of sadistic satisfaction Vegeta, Nappa, or Raditz regularly indulged in.

飞行结束后,他终于找到了微笑的力量;但这不是喜悦的微笑,而是贝吉塔、纳帕或拉迪茨经常沉迷其中的那种虐待满足感的微笑。\\\Frieza kept stuttering from his stupid, round head, powerless for once in his worthless life.


\\\that piss-stream of a beam was literally child\\u0027s play,\\\ Gohan taunted. his face covered in bruises and blood dripping from his nose, Frieza scornfully hissed through his teeth.


\\\what the hell are you?!\\\ Gohan\\u0027s smirk faded as he aimlessly looked down, introspection briefly calming his gold-tinted features.


\\\I\\u0027ve been trying to figure that out for a long time.\\\ the blazing half-Saiyan squeezed his fists, flexing some of his brilliant new power in a flash of light.


\\\I thought I was supposed to be a scholar.\\\ his mess of a mind briefly recalled the crying toddler in yellow, topped with a red hat. For a second, his brows curled in sadness.


\\\then I thought I was supposed to be a monster.

“然后我以为我应该成为一个怪物。\\\his mind settled to the colors he\\u0027d borrowed from Frieza, purple \\u0026 gold.


All of the years of violence he inflicted, thinking it was a necessary evil because he had grown so obsessed with defeating the monster who now cowered before him.


\\\And now? It doesn\\u0027t really matter to me. All I know is that I\\u0027m the Saiyan that\\u0027s going to destroy you. this new power I feel flowing inside me? the stupid look it\\u0027s brought to your face? I think you and I both know what I am.\\\


Instilled with a reborn confidence and clarity, Gohan released even more of his overflowing power in another burst that forced Frieza and the others to shield themselves.


\\\I am Son Gohan, the Super Saiyan!\\\ he let his power flow, finally basking in the mythical aura of his extraordinary new fountain of strength.


For the first time in his life, he truly understood what it meant to be a Saiyan. though he had no real concept of the legend beyond the stories told, this felt like it. It was no unnatural scourge tearing apart his body like the energy of the bruit\\u0027s waves; it felt like pinnacle of Saiyan power, almost divine.


Realization hitting him, Frieza scornfully growled. \\\A Super Saiyan, you say? Fine, enjoy your little myth.


\\\It\\u0027s no myth!\\\ Gohan roared, emphatically raising his fist. \\\For Vegeta, Raditz, Nappa, my grandfather, and every Saiyan you robbed of the glory of seeing this day - I will destroy you!\\\

\\\这不是神话!\\\ 孙悟饭咆哮着,高举拳头,强调道。\\\为了贝吉塔、拉迪茨、纳巴、我的祖父,以及每一个你剥夺了见证今天荣耀的赛亚人 - 我会毁灭你!\\\

Like he had merely been told an irreverent joke, Frieza swung his head back and laughed.


Gohan gripped his fists tighter, ready to punish his provocations. \\\honestly boy, I thought you were one of the good ones, but it appears you\\u0027re just as daft as the rest. You bit that Saiyan pride nonsense hook, line and sinker, didn\\u0027t you?\\\


\\\I\\u0027m not the sellout you tried to mold me into!\\\ Gohan shouted, his brows knitting together.

\\\我不是你想要塑造的背叛者!\\\ 孙悟饭大声喊道,他的眉头紧皱在一起。

\\\Sellout?!\\\ Frieza snorted. \\\Like I was any worse to you than your packmates. Need I remind you that it was your dear uncle that subjected you to my tyranny? Your prince who forced you to kill and tried mending and molding you into his docile puppet? If anything, I was the one who saw your true potential, freeing you of the chains with which the Saiyans tried to bind you!\\\

\\\背叛者?!\\\ 弗利萨哼了一声。“就像我对你比你的伙伴更糟一样。我需要提醒你,是你亲爱的叔叔使你受到我的暴政的压迫吗?是你的王子迫使你杀人,并试图修补和塑造你成为他驯服的傀儡吗?如果说有什么不同的话,那就是我看到了你真正的潜力,解放了赛亚人试图束缚你的枷锁!\\\

Gohan squeezed his eyes shut, no longer falling for Frieza\\u0027s manipulation, even if a nugget of truth was hidden within the bullshit. he reopened them with clarity.


\\\Vegeta, Nappa, and Raditz gave up their lives to save mine. what the fuck did you ever do for me?!\\\


dropping any pretense of altruism, Frieza narrowed his eyes, casting a loathsome shadow.


\\\why that\\u0027s simple, my mongrel monkey. I showed you the true definition of terror. I made you understand your place in the pest-ridden mud beneath the totem pole.\\\


Struggling to maintain his focus while he recalled the torture he suffered at that monster\\u0027s hands, Gohan ground his teeth. \\\how about you just shut up and go to your full power so I can hurry up and kill you? I don\\u0027t need to hear any more babble about percentages.\\\


Surprised, but amused at the challenge, Frieza spread his arms with a dark chuckle. \\\Really, now? An invitation to push my strength past your fairytale bluster? I see your supposed \\u0027Super Saiyan\\u0027 power has amplified your simian self-sabotaging stupidity.\\\


Gohan flexed his jaw, resisting his temptation to just blast Frieza away, full-power be damned. but the Great Ape within his Saiyan blood demanded he see Frieza\\u0027s full power, so he could know he conquered the universe\\u0027s strongest scumbag at his peak.


\\\but fret not, young lad; I\\u0027ve never been one to turn down a challenge. Your request for your excruciating, miserable death shall be obliged.\\\


As purple aura surrounded his body, Frieza clenched both his fists and teeth in exertion, pushing his power as high as it could go. his energy pumped into him like air to a balloon, engorging his limbs and muscles. Electricity beyond the thunderstorm sparked around his body while his veins throbbed.


Yet despite undergoing a seemingly excruciating strain, Frieza smiled maniacally, drunk on his sweltering power.


As Gohan stood idly and watched Frieza push his energy, the Earthlings observed him from a safe distance. None of them had ever felt power even in the dimension of what those two beasts were emitting, all of their faces trembling with chills.


\\\I don\\u0027t get it,\\\ Krillin remarked, holding master Roshi up. \\\After the other two times Frieza\\u0027s turned up his power and taken the upper hand, you\\u0027d think Gohan wouldn\\u0027t just sit back and let him do it again. why doesn\\u0027t he just-\\\


Goku cut him off with a dismissive wave, absent-minded as he kept his eyes locked on the flames of purple and gold. \\\It\\u0027s alright, Krillin. he wants this. his anger might be through the roof, but he\\u0027s still a Saiyan. he wants to fight him at his very best.\\\


\\\A chip off the old block after all, then,\\\ master Roshi joked, drawing a chuckle from his two best pupils.


A rich well of pride filled Goku\\u0027s chest as he observed his son. Gohan\\u0027s violent, wrathful assault had made Goku fear his son may have lost his mind again, dooming both Frieza and the entire planet in the process. but this was different. he may have been vengeful and filled to the brim with sorrow, but he was bold. he was rational.


he was nobody else but Son Gohan, the son that had endured a living nightmare and came out not as a monster, but a beast.


\\\You\\u0027ve got this, Gohan.\\\


After one last rush of energy, Frieza released all of his cataclysmic power in one forceful burst, even forcing Gohan to shield himself. As he caught his breath, Frieza flashed a reinvigorated smile, his confidence and fortitude restored. with his bulging muscles, he looked less an androgynous aristocrat and more a freakshow version of Nappa.


\\\And now…100% of Frieza, at your service.\\\


\\\took you long enough,\\\ Gohan quipped, not the least bit intimidated. \\\Now let\\u0027s get this show on the road. this is it. we\\u0027re going to find out once and for all who\\u0027s the strongest. No should haves, no would haves, no could haves.\\\


the hulking lizard cackled. \\\oh, but that\\u0027s where you\\u0027re mistaken, young lad! there will be a should have – you should have known your pLAcE!\\\


with that, the two behemoths clashed shoulder-to-shoulder, producing a shockwave that shook the entire planet. the emperor landed the first blow, sinking his fist right into Gohan\\u0027s stomach.


he couldn\\u0027t stop himself from laughing as Gohan\\u0027s body flung hundreds of feet.


After catching up to him in less than a second, he grabbed his head of golden hair with both hands and smashed it into his bulbous knee.


while Gohan tended to his nose, Frieza closed in like a shark smelling blood and rained down on his slender frame with a hurricane of punches, joyously indulging in his bone-crunching agony.


Frieza intended to round out his assault with a spinning kick, but Gohan grabbed his leg and spun him back around.


his ensuing punch only landed in Frieza\\u0027s iron-grip, however, which the titan used to pull his promised stomach into his knee.


two interlocked fists sent Gohan falling towards the streets, and a dropkick to that wounded abdomen expediated his descent.


wounded but posed, Gohan halted his own landing but clutched his sides with a wince.


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