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第1章 大结局1(2 / 2)

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Frieza triumphantly folded his arms over his broad chest and laughed haughtily.


\\\do you see now, brat? You never had a chance in the first place, even with your \\u0027Super Saiyan\\u0027 power! And that was just a warm-up!\\\


Rather than breath the petrified gasp Frieza had been anticipating, Gohan smirked.


\\\well, I sure as hell hope that was a warm-up. After all of your hype, I was this close to demanding a refund.\\\


with his already dense veins throbbing, Frieza petulantly snarled.


\\\You arrogant little chimp. I will teach you fear yet!\\\


\\\do your worst, mr. Freeze.


when Frieza and Gohan met again, they threw attacks at each other too fast for the vast majority of the universe\\u0027s eyes to see.


After adequately assessing Frieza\\u0027s power, Gohan went back on the offensive, leaping away from another kick to smash broad, grey sternum with his fist.


A kick sent him back a dozen feet, and Gohan tried throwing in a Ki blast for good measure.


however, Frieza brutishly tackled his way through and slammed his shoulder into Gohan\\u0027s entire torso.


that time, he fell to the ground, but broke his own fall just in time – Frieza was ing down at him like a missile.


he leaped away, narrowly avoiding the foot that smashed the street and nearly leveled the entire block.


with Frieza vulnerable, Gohan launched a blast that he could only shield himself from with both arms crossed.


taking note of Frieza\\u0027s erratic breathing, Gohan zipped towards him and threw as many attacks as he could, the behemoth tyrant to exert himself if he valued his bones.


As he swung his arms and legs, Gohan recalled every step it took to reach this point.


All of the pain, all of those lost, all that was at stake. he could not fail.


while the humans\\u0027 minds were most certainly shattered by the supersonic clash of titans, it was Goku who was truly in awe.


his jaw was almost locked in a sunken position while his eyes marveled at what little they could.


Never in all of his years had he witnessed a fight of this scale - the two best the universe had to offer, warring over who was truly the strongest.


It stirred the Earth-raised Saiyan\\u0027s blood with envy – why couldn\\u0027t he be in a fight this amazing? the training regimen ahead of him would be a doozy, to say the least.


\\\You need some popcorn while you\\u0027re at it, Goku?\\\ Lapis joked.


Goku nodded like it was a real question.


whereas Gohan hoped to exhaust Frieza with his quickness, Frieza hoped to overwhelm him through brute force, his graceful finesse a distant memory.


he answered every hit Gohan landed with his own crushing blows, though the Super Saiyan would e right back.


with thin patience, he tried to end things altogether by enshrouding his hand with a Ki blade and thrusting it towards Gohan\\u0027s chest, but the Saiyan was nowhere to be found by the time he reached it.


the next thing Frieza knew, a white boot had smashed his face and sent him spiraling towards the staggeringly wide, staggeringly deep pit tien had created in his final effort to stop him.


A burst of Ki ended his descent however, and he regained enough of his bearings to find Gohan plunging towards him.


he fired a beam from his finger, and Gohan\\u0027s momentum was so great he could only move fast enough to spare his chest; his knee wasn\\u0027t so lucky, flesh burning just from grazing with the pink ray.


\\\Got YoU Now, bRAt!\\\


while instinctively clutching his knee, Gohan took Frieza\\u0027s marble-encrusted head right to his collarbone, coughing both air and blood while his chest caved.


he sunk, and that\\u0027s when Frieza capitalized like the apex predator he was, slamming his elbow into his back and firing a Ki blast that sent him torpedoing into the depths of the void.


but he was far from finished; he curled both hands back, gathered as much energy he could into both of them, and fired hundreds of blasts to pack his plunge with explosive agony.


As smoke erupted from the pit, Frieza laughed rather than cough, finally relinquishing his cascade of blasts when the vast shadow had been replaced entirely with grisly clouds.


Even with his breath running thin, Frieza cackled into the air with his arms triumphantly raised.


\\\take thAt, you simian cretin! Reach the bottom of the pit of despair and rot in it! Rue the day you dared challenge the mighty Frieza, and brood over your failures while your flesh burns against the flames of hell with the rest of your extinct zoo!\\\


with Frieza\\u0027s rancid voice infecting the sky, Goku\\u0027s stomach churned.


with all of the chaos, he couldn\\u0027t gauge Gohan\\u0027s Ki – and he didn\\u0027t know if that meant his son was dead or not.


trying not to let his emotions overwhelm him, Goku\\u0027s mind traveled to a strategy; he needed to use the Spirit bomb, even if he doubted it would do much.


\\\this bastard must be invincible,\\\ Lapis sneered. \\\what the hell are we gonna do?\\\


Goku opened his mouth to reply, only to realize Frieza was floating towards everyone.


he flexed his power, prepared to defend himself even if it meant zilch.


the hulking tyrant stopped until only a few feet separated he and the Earth\\u0027s warriors, scanning his cold eyes over them all with homicidal intent.


\\\Like son, like father, one could say,\\\ Frieza drawled. maybe it was because they were so close now, but the sound of Frieza\\u0027s voice, the vile malice of his Ki, and the sight of him while the rain fell sent a genuine shiver down Goku\\u0027s spine. \\\there\\u0027s only one more mistake left for me to correct. I honestly don\\u0027t know how you slipped by notice, but I suppose I shouldn\\u0027t fret on the past.\\\


despite the shivers rattling his body, Goku didn\\u0027t run.


he readied himself to fight, and when he looked to his left and right, he wasn\\u0027t alone. All of the friends he\\u0027d accumulated over the years engaged for battle even if it meant their deaths in a matter of seconds.

他准备好迎战,当他左右看去,他并不孤单。 多年来他积累的所有朋友都投入了战斗,即使意味着他们在短短几秒内就可能丧命。

Frieza raised his palm and summoned a violet light of death. \\\Now, be a good monkey and jog my memory of the terror that consumed the countenance of your patronage when I exterminated him and your species.\\\

弗利萨举起手掌,召唤出一道死亡的紫光。 “现在,乖乖告诉我,当我灭绝他和你们的种族时,你们主子的面容所流露的恐怖是怎样的。”

the blast never left his hands, because an explosion of light emerged from the void behind him and stole his attention. From the darkness rose a stream of gold.

炮弹从他的手中没有发射出来,因为一道光芒的爆炸从他背后的虚空中升起,吸引了他的注意力。 从黑暗中升起一股金色的气流。

the son of the last remaining pure Saiyan reemerged from the bottomless pit with a glare of malice towards the emperor. half of his armor had been destroyed, leaving all of his left arm and parts of his bruised, scarred chest exposed. his Super Saiyan power hadn\\u0027t diminished one bit, his hair still golden, his eyes still teal, and his Ki still smoldering.

最后一位纯正赛亚人的儿子重新从无底洞中出现,对皇帝怀着恶意的目光。 他的盔甲被摧毁了一半,露出了左臂和瘀伤的胸部的部分。 他的超级赛亚人力量没有丝毫减弱,头发依旧金色,眼睛依旧是青色,气息依旧弥漫。

\\\what, did you think I was still that crybaby? that was far from enough.\\\


As the Earthlings backed away with relieved sighs, Frieza swung around with a petulant scowl. \\\For a half-breed mongrel, you certainly possess the inability to recognize defeat of a full-blooded Saiyan.\\\ As if making an honorable vow, Frieza declaratively raised his fist. \\\If you refuse to burn away, then I shall crush your petrified body to pieces like I did to that scurrilous little tramp!\\\

当地球人松了口气后退,弗利萨愤怒地转过身来。 “作为一个混血杂种,你显然无法意识到一个纯血赛亚人的失败。” 弗利萨高举拳头,仿佛发出庄严的誓言。 “如果你不愿意化为灰烬,那我就要像对待那个卑鄙小人一样粉碎你的石化身体!”

Gohan could only blink his bulging, bloodshot eyes.


his body shook at the reminder of what had brought him such calamitous power to begin with.


\\\that tramp?\\\ Gohan echoed, the words squeezing through clenched teeth. \\\You mean Arepa, don\\u0027t you?\\\

“那个贱货?”孙悟饭重复道,话语从咬紧的牙缝中挤出。 “你是指阿蕾帕,对吗?”

his mind replayed Arepa\\u0027s frozen body pleading to him for her life before Frieza crumbled her body like she was little more than an icicle. the incensed tremors of his flesh escalated into full-blown convulsions until he unleashed a deafeningly ferocious roar into the clouds of thunder.

他的脑海中重现出阿蕾帕的冻僵的身体为了求生而对他哀求,然后被弗利萨粉碎,就像她只不过是一根冰柱。 他愤怒的肌肉震颤升级为全身抽搐,最终他向雷云中发出震耳欲聋的凶猛咆哮。

\\\doN\\u0027t YoU…?!\\\


In the face of Gohan\\u0027s volcanic rage, Frieza snidely laughed. \\\Aww, did I soil your puppy love, Gohan? well, fear not – I will sign, seal, and deliver you to a reunion with her in hell! You Saiyans can stomp your feet at me with all of the temper tantrums you want, but not even bined can you ever touch me!\\\

面对悟饭的火山般的愤怒,弗利萨嘲笑地笑了起来。 “啊,我弄脏了你的初恋,悟饭?别担心 - 我会把你签收并送你去与她在地狱重逢!你们赛亚人可以对我发脾气,跺着脚想怎么样就怎么样,但你们即使合力也无法触及我!”

\\\You\\u0027re lying to yourself, Frieza,\\\ Goku cut in. \\\that big ego of yours is gonna e back to bite you. And I might not care for the Saiyan race all that much myself, but I at least understand why they despise you.\\\

“弗利萨,你是在自欺欺人,”孙悟空插话道。 “你那自大的自负将会让你付出代价。 虽然我自己对赛亚人种族并不十分关心,但我至少理解为什么他们鄙视你。”

Frieza spun away from the golden Saiyan to menacingly bare his teeth towards his father behind him. \\\do you know not to whom you speak, scum? perhaps I should dispose of the last full-blood before I topple his halfling\\u0027s joke of an effort.\\\

弗利萨转身离开金色赛亚人,威胁地向背后的他父亲露出他的利齿。 “你不知道你在跟谁说话,渣滓?也许我应该先处置这最后一位纯血再推翻他这个半血的笑话。”

he raised his to fire a beam to Goku\\u0027s heart like he\\u0027d done to Vegeta, but a gloved hand grabbed his wrist.


Gohan was suddenly right in front, and for the second time, left Frieza frozen in fear.


\\\don\\u0027t even think about it,\\\ Gohan warned, his voice treacherously low. \\\I may have watched you kill Vegeta and Arepa, but I\\u0027ll die before I let you kill my father, too.\\\

“别想了,”悟饭警告道,声音险恶地低沉着。 “我也许看到了你杀死贝吉塔和阿蕾帕,但在我允许你杀死我的父亲之前,我宁愿死去。”

After trying to wiggle his wrist out of Gohan\\u0027s iron-tight grip, he was finally freed when the Super Saiyan punched him hundreds of feet down into the streets.


\\\Insolent little…!\\\ Frieza growled as he stumbled back up. After he got himself resituated, he caught Gohan already standing a few yards across.

“无礼的小家伙……!”弗利萨咆哮着,他摇摇晃晃地重新站起来。 当他重新站定时,他发现悟饭已经站在几码之外。

\\\Let\\u0027s finish this fight,\\\ Gohan manded. \\\You don\\u0027t have much time left.\\\

“让我们结束这场战斗,”悟饭命令道。 “你没有多少时间了。”

\\\I don\\u0027t have much time left?!\\\ Frieza held his sides and laughed. \\\Since when did you develop a sense of humor? In a few minutes I will be obliterating every last trace of this planet and continuing my reign over this universe unimpeded, while you will be another in the pile of apes brainless enough to oppose me!\\\

“我没有多少时间了?!”弗利萨捧着肋部大笑起来。 “你从什么时候开始有幽默感了?几分钟后,我将彻底摧毁这个星球的每一个痕迹,并继续无障碍地统治这个宇宙,而你将成为那堆愚蠢到敢于反抗我的猿猴中的又一个!”

\\\believe whatever you want. Stop grandstanding and fight.\\\

“无论你想相信什么都行。 别再卖弄了,好好战斗吧。”

with the rain and the thunder having yet to calm, Gohan and Frieza stared each other down.


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