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第2章 大结局2(1 / 2)

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droplets of water poured down onto Gohan\\u0027s golden hair and into his face, but did little to quell the fire enshrouding him. 雨滴落在悟饭金色的头发和脸上,但对于围绕他的火焰几乎没有起到任何镇定作用。

only the blood of the tyrant across could extinguish its power. 唯有对面暴君的鲜血才能扑灭它的力量。

Frieza propelled shoulder-first into Gohan\\u0027s chest, but the Super Saiyan answered his beckoning with equal force, slamming the brunt of his knee to his purple lips. 弗利萨肩膀冲向悟饭的胸口,但超级赛亚人以同等的力量回应,用他的膝盖猛击他的紫色嘴唇。

with little more to lose, they went for broke and threw their strongest attacks at each other, crushing bones and drawing blood with every hit. 没有更多可以失去的东西,他们豁出去,互相发动最强的攻击,每一次打击都粉碎骨头,流出鲜血。

After a back and forth, Frieza briefly regained the edge with a few hits that sent Gohan into a building\\u0027s remains, but the teenager deftly leaped off of the stone structure with both feet and spiraled back towards him. 经过一番交锋,弗利萨用几次打击暂时重新占据优势,将悟饭击飞到一座建筑物的残骸中,但悟饭机敏地用双脚从石结构上跳起,并旋转回来。

when he spun around to try tearing Frieza\\u0027s head off with a kick, his foot landed in his hands. 当他转身试图用一脚撕下弗利萨的头时,他的脚落在了弗利萨的手中。

No matter – he just steadied himself in his grasp and nailed his grey temple with the other foot. 不过没关系,他稳住了自己,用另一只脚重击了他的灰色太阳穴。

After falling into a skid, Frieza muttered a few curses while perching onto his knee until he buckled in shock. 在滑倒后,弗利萨咒骂了几句,然后一直盘膝坐在膝盖上,直到被震撼得腿软。

Gohan was right back in front of him, his eyes fierce and his golden aura ceaselessly blazing around his body. 悟饭立刻又出现在他面前,他的眼神凶猛,他的金色光环在他的身体周围不停地闪烁。

he sprung up to attack but took a kick to his sternum for his effort. 他跳起来进攻,但却受到一脚踢在胸骨上。

And when he kipped back up again, his punch attempt only met air before he was stuck chasing Gohan in the sky. 当他再次跳起来时,他的拳击尝试只是空中挥拳,然后他就陷入了追逐悟饭的境地。

Another swing, another miss. 又一次挥拳,又一次失手。

before he could even wrench his head around to search for his golden light, the boy\\u0027s white boots were bashing his cranium. 甚至在他扭动头部寻找金色光芒之前,男孩的白靴就猛击在他的头骨上。

And when he desperately tried swinging around to pay Gohan back, the teenager\\u0027s purple-encased knee plunged into his spine and sent his body lunging ahead. 当他拼命试图转身还击悟饭时,少年的紫色护膝深深地插入他的脊椎,将他的身体推

Even worse, he landed a Ki blast right on the wounded area.


Frieza crashed into one of the few remaining traffic lights and smashed it in half.


\\\damn you!\\\ Frieza shrieked before shooting right back into the sky.


his restless flurry of counterattacks only received the young Saiyan\\u0027s expert evasions, looking less like an almighty tyrant and more like an amateur in over his head. 他不断展开的反击只能遭到年轻赛亚人的熟练闪避,看起来更像是一个不知所措的业余者,而不是一个强大的暴君。

hell, when another empty punch left him spinning around in search of Gohan, he had to stop and catch his breath. 当又一次空拳击打后,他一边转身寻找悟饭,一边不得不停下来喘口气。

when he opted to dig into his trusty bag of energy beams, he was left slack-jawed when Gohan ducked and weaved from all of them with less than the bare minimum of exertion. 当他选择动用他可靠的能量射线时,悟饭只需轻松闪避和躲避,他被惊呆了。

Fed up with the patronizing, Frieza shrieked and launched an immense blast at Gohan, but had one flung right back at it. 对于这种傲慢的态度感到厌烦,弗利萨尖叫着向悟饭发射了巨大的爆炸,但却被一个炸弹击了个正着。

After the blasts cancelled each other out, Frieza decided to just fire a whole flurry of them. 在两个爆炸互相抵消后,弗利萨决定连续发射一系列的能量爆炸。

All Gohan need do was swat them all away like a colony of flies. 悟饭只需要像驱散一群苍蝇那样将它们全部击退。

And even after his preoccupation left him wide open for Frieza to stampede him with a punch that very likely would have ended the fight revved up, Gohan simply smashed his forearm into Frieza\\u0027s violet-patched skull before he could even thrust his arm. 即使在他分心的时候,留下了让弗利萨有机会用一记极有可能结束战斗的重拳冲向他,悟饭只是在弗利萨还来不及出手之前,将前臂猛击在弗利萨紫色斑点的头骨上。

An arrogant smirk tugged Gohan\\u0027s lips as he watched Frieza writhe in a puddle of rain. 看着弗利萨在积水中挣扎,悟饭嘴角浮现出傲慢的笑容。

\\\All tuckered out already?\\\ “已经精疲力竭了吗?”

the galactic tyrant slammed his fists into the ground in anger and jumped up to his feet, trying to intimidate Gohan with a glare that threatened bloodshed. 银河系的暴君愤怒地将拳头砸向地面,跳起身来,试图以一个威胁到鲜血淋漓的目光来威慑悟饭。

\\\I am going to make you suffer, you piece of simian trash! For your insolence, I am going to pay you back one hundredfold!\\\ “我会让你付出代价,你这个猿猴的渣滓!为了你的傲慢,我会百倍地报复你!”

Gohan spat at the ground and stared at Frieza with a calm, but sharp, edge. 悟饭朝地上吐了口唾沫,冷静而锐利地盯着弗利萨。

After a few bemused blinks, Frieza scoffed in disgust. 在几次困惑的眨眼之后,弗利萨厌恶地嗤笑了一声。

\\\what the hell are you talking about?\\\ “你到底在说什么?”

\\\Your body can\\u0027t handle all that power. why do you think you\\u0027re so bloated?\\\ Gohan calmly explained. “你的身体无法承受那么多力量。 你觉得自己为什么会如此肿胀?”悟饭平静地解释道。

\\\Now your Ki just keeps dropping and dropping and dropping, and it\\u0027s taking all you have just to keep up with me. \\\ “现在你的气力持续下降,持续下降,持续下降,而且你已经竭尽全力才能跟上我。”

\\\Is that your assessment, you worthless child? how much will it change when your skull is beneath my feet?!\\\ As Frieza clenched his fists in his bloated body, he no longer resembled the infuriatingly smooth, elegant lizard that Gohan submitted to at his hands and feet. “这就是你的评估,你这个无用的孩子吗?当你的脑袋在我的脚下时,这会改变多少?”当弗利萨紧握着他那肿胀的身体时,他不再像那个令人恼火的光滑、优雅的蜥蜴,悟饭在他的手脚之间屈服。

his rapidly deteriorating power squeezed out in a rush of purple aura. 他迅速恶化的力量在一股紫色的气流中挤压出来。

\\\I can never be defeated!\\\ “我永远不会被打败!”

\\\man, you really are pathetic, aren\\u0027t you? You\\u0027re finally showing me who you really are – a whiny, sniveling little brat.\\\ “伙计,你真是可悲,不是吗?你终于向我展示了你真正的面目——一个嘤嘤声连连、抽抽搭搭的小屁孩。”

Every single syllable from Gohan\\u0027s tongue carried a smug dose of venom. 悟饭舌尖上的每个音节都带着一种自满的毒液。

he relished every swelling blood vessel bulging against his pale skin, every drop of spit that squirted from his clenched teeth. 他津津有味地欣赏着每一个充血的血管隆起在他苍白的皮肤上,每一滴从他咬紧的牙齿中喷出的唾液。

It was a sight almost as pretty as Arepa\\u0027s face. 这是一个几乎和阿瑞帕的脸一样美丽的景象。

taking on the signature pose of his slain prince, Gohan spread his lips wide, leaned his body back, and boastfully folded his arms over his chest. 悟饭摆出他被杀死的王子的标志性姿势,他张开嘴唇,身体向后倾斜,傲慢地将双臂交叠在胸前。

\\\You were always such a smug, insufferable piece of shit, because you thought you were the baddest dude around. And now, you\\u0027re stomping your feet and screeching like a little baby because you finally met somebody stronger than you. And the best part of it all?\\\ “你总是那么自以为是、让人受不了,因为你认为自己是最牛逼的家伙。 而现在,你像个小婴儿一样跺着脚尖、尖叫,因为你终于遇到了一个比你更强大的人。 而最好的部分是什么呢?”

the Super Saiyan leaned forward and arched his eyebrows, making sure Frieza got a clear view of the face twisting the knife into his chest. 超级赛亚人向前倾身,眉毛高高挑起,确保弗利萨清楚地看到了那个在他胸口刺进刀的脸。

\\\he\\u0027s just a monkey.\\\ “他只是个猴子。”

Frieza forgot he was even trying to attack Gohan. 弗利萨甚至忘记了他曾试图攻击悟饭。

he stood in a puddle of befuddlement, trying and failing to regain his vaunted posure as Gohan\\u0027s message sunk in. 他站在一滩困惑中,试图但失败了,重新找回他引以为傲的镇定,当悟饭的话深入他的内心。

\\\Y-You…you better shut your mouth and learn your place, right now!\\\ “你……你最好闭嘴,现在就学会你的位置!”

Gohan shook his head. 悟饭摇了摇头。

\\\You\\u0027re…you\\u0027re still that same child that I left battered and crying in his own blood and filth for three days straight!\\\ Frieza continued, slamming his feet into the ground one more time. “你……你还是那个我让他在自己的血和污秽中受伤和哭泣三天的孩子!”弗利萨继续说着,再次猛踏着地面。

\\\You are NothING!\\\ “你什么都不是!”

the reminder of that torture from eleven years prior, and all that followed, didn\\u0027t even piss Gohan off anymore. 那11年前的折磨的提醒,以及随之而来的一切,如今甚至不能再让悟饭生气。

hell, he even laughed. 他甚至笑了。

\\\Even if you were right, you\\u0027re still about to die,\\\ Gohan lowered his arms. “即使你是对的,你也将死去,”悟饭放下了双臂。

\\\Now let me make this quick, because I\\u0027m sick of hearing that sissy little voice of yours. \\\ “现在让我快点解决你,因为我受够了听你那娘娘腔的声音。”

his eyes threatening to burst, Frieza pushed his power further until feet dug into the ground. 他的眼睛几乎要爆裂,弗利萨将自己的力量推向更高点,直到脚掌刺进地面。

\\\No monkey will ever be superior to me! S-Such…such a thing…cannot be!\\\ “没有猴子能比我更优越!这……这样的事情……不可能!”

Gohan raised his palm. 悟饭举起了手掌。

\\\It cANNot!\\\ “这是不可能的!”

Rather than accept what was ing to him, Frieza raced into the rainy clouds. 与其接受即将降临在他身上的命运,弗利萨冲向雨云中。

Gohan stood idly, almost bored, even as Frieza swung his hand up. 尽管弗利萨挥动手臂,悟饭却无所事事,几乎感到无聊。

From it formed an orange orb, which ballooned in size until it resembled a massive supernova that he controlled with just the palm of his hand. 从中形成一个橙色的球体,它逐渐膨胀,直到变成了一个巨大的超新星,他仅凭手掌控制着它。

with his sanity gone at last, Frieza cackled wildly while boring his engorged eyes onto the Earth\\u0027s horizon. 最后,弗利萨失去了理智,他狂笑着,目光凝视着地球的地平线。

\\\I Am thE StRoNGESt wARRIoR IN thE UNIVERSE! I owN YoU!\\\ Frieza gave the apocalyptic sphere one last surge of energy. “我是宇宙中最强大的战士!我拥有你!”弗利萨给了这个末日球体最后一丝能量。

\\\LEt\\u0027S SEE YoU tRY ANd coUNtER thIS oNE! dodGE It, ANd thIS whoLE pLANEt wILL bLow to SmIthEREENS!\\\ “让我看看你如何抵挡这一击!闪开吧,否则整个星球都将爆炸成碎片!”

\\\No…he can\\u0027t…!\\\ Goku shouted, his heart pounding. “不……他不可能……!”悟空大声喊道,心怦怦直跳。

\\\he can tear this whole galaxy apart with that blast!\\\ Krillin screamed. “他可以用那一击撕裂整个星系!”克林尖叫道。

Yet even as the blazing hot ball of light loomed ominously over the planet he called home, Gohan stood calmly. 然而,即使那个灼热的光球威胁着他称之为家园的星球,悟饭仍然保持着冷静。

Frieza was done. 弗利萨完了。

this was simply his last act of petulance, one he could snuff out with the power gifted to him by the blood in his veins. 这只是他最后的任性表演,一个他可以用血脉赋予他的力量扑灭的表演。

only one attack came to mind to finish the decade-overdue job. 只有一个攻击浮现在脑海中,来完成这个过了十年的任务。

he crouched down, and curled his arms back. 他蹲下身子,双臂回缩。

\\\KA…mE…\\\ Goku gasped in astonishment.

“卡……美……” 孙悟空惊讶地喘着气。

Even after Gohan\\u0027s virtuoso display, the world seemed lost.


Yet he wasn\\u0027t the least bit bothered, attacking his effort head-on.


And you know what? Seeing Gohan so assured filled Goku with a whole galaxy\\u0027s worth of confidence.


\\\do it, son.\\\


\\\hA…mE…\\\ Gohan nodded firmly, anticipatory sweat mixing with the rain still soaking his head.

“波……波……” 孙悟饭坚定地点了点头,期待的汗水与仍然浸湿他头发的雨水混合在一起。

this was it. his Ki was charged as high as necessary, ready to extinguish his nightmare and ignite his dream.


\\\FooLISh chILd! YoU thINK YoU cAN mAtch thE bESt AttAcK oF LoRd FRIEZA?!\\\




\\\wELL YoU bEttER cAtch It!\\\


Rather than fire it down at Gohan, Frieza spun his body around, his back to him and the others, and fired the supernova at nothing but the Earth\\u0027s surface instead.


Fuck! Gohan yelled in his mind. that bastard was still lucid enough to have a cowardly trick on his sleeve.


\\\hA!\\\ Gohan fired his massive Kamehameha at the supernova, resolving that he\\u0027d merely have to corner Frieza and pummel him to a pulp.


his monsoon of Ki successfully collided with Frieza\\u0027s catastrophic ball of light and eradicated its fire before it could touch down and destroy the Earth.


but that didn\\u0027t make the Super Saiyan any less pissed off; he charged up his Ki so he could chase down the rat once and for all, and –


\\\GohAN!\\\ the sound of his father\\u0027s voice made Gohan whip his head around, and when he did, he found a glowing, pink disc speeding right towards him.


he swung his body up to dodge it and spared just a split-second – but not his tail. A sting of pain pricked through his body as he felt the disc slice through his tail, his face twisting with pure scorn as he saw it fall.


It didn\\u0027t hurt him too much physically, but injured his pride enough to make him growl like a wild animal.


\\\Spineless fucking weasel!\\\ Gohan venomously snarled, his volatile Super Saiyan power flickering higher.


\\\I\\u0027ll rip you to pieces!\\\


he didn\\u0027t have much time to pursue Frieza, however, because that same disc came spiraling back at him. though he easily jumped from its trajectory, it just chased after him again like his body was a magnet. Accepting that it specifically sought him out, Gohan spun around and flew away.

然而,他没有太多时间追赶弗利沙,因为同样的圆盘又朝他飞了回来。 虽然他轻易地跳开了它的轨迹,但它却像他的身体是一个磁铁一样再次追逐他。 接受它是特意追着他来的,悟饭转身飞离。

\\\that disc will chase you forever!\\\ Screeched that slimy voice. the bastard stood on the ground like a coward, a devious smile back on his face while he held his right arm up, waving it around in sync with the disc\\u0027s movement. \\\And it can slice through anything! what will you do now, Super Saiyan?!\\\

\\\这个圆盘会永远追着你!\\\那个卑鄙的声音尖叫着。 这个混蛋像个懦夫一样站在地上,一副狡猾的笑容重新浮现在他的脸上,他举起右手,与圆盘的运动同步摆动。 \\\而且它能切穿任何东西!超级赛亚人,你现在该怎么办?\\\

\\\So it\\u0027s e down to a little trick, huh?\\\ Gohan seethed. \\\how pathetic…\\\

\\\所以,只剩下一些小把戏了,是吗?\\\悟饭咬牙切齿地说道。 \\\多么可悲……\\\

Gohan cursed himself as the disc chased him. he should have just let the battle drag on and decisively killed him – but after a decade of biting his tongue, suffering at his hand, and dealing with his insufferably smug bullshit, Gohan had to relish his superiority. he had to rub it in and make Frieza understand how tiny he made everyone in the universe feel.

随着圆盘的追击,悟饭对自己咒骂不已。 他本应该让战斗拖延下去,然后决定性地杀死他——但在忍耐了十年的苦涩时光之后,在他的手下受尽折磨,并处理了他那令人无法忍受的傲慢的胡说八道之后,悟饭不得不沉浸在他的优越感中。 他必须让弗利沙明白,他让宇宙中的每个人都感到微不足道。

At the same time, though? this was a childish technique. he would put it away.

然而,与此同时,这只是一个孩子气的技巧。 他会把它放下。

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