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第17章 团聚17(2 / 2)

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Gohan faintly nodded.

悟 饭 微 微 点 头 。

It was on the dresser by his bed in the guest room, the blue scouter.

他 的 床 头 柜 上 放 着 一 个 蓝 色 的 探 测 器 ,就 在 客 房 里 。

his one possible link to Arepa.

它 是 他 与 阿 蕾 帕 之 间 唯 一 可 能 的 联 系 。





but there\\u0027s another one in here.


“是 的 。

但 这 里 还 有 另 一 个 。”

bulma looked around.

布 尔 玛 四 处 张 望 。

\\\You mean that red one in the corner behind you? that one\\u0027s pretty busted up, though.

You could just give me the one you fixed.

“你 是 指 你 身 后 角 落 里 那 个 红 色 的 吗 ?那 个 已 经 很 破 旧 了 。

你 可 以 把 你 修 好 的 那 个 给 我 。”

\\\Just fix that one!\\\ Gohan snapped, startling bulma.

他 厉 声 说 道 :“就 修 那 个 !”布 尔 玛 被 吓 了 一 跳 。

he looked straight ahead to avoid seeing her fearful flinch for too long.

悟 饭 直 视 前 方 ,避 免 长 时 间 看 到 她 害 怕 的 退 缩 。

\\\okay, okay.

“好 吧 ,好 吧 。”

I\\u0027ll see what I can do with it.

“我 会 看 看 能 做 些 什 么 。”

She scurried to the corner, picked up the scouter, and put it in her pocket while she returned to the exit.

她 匆 忙 走 到 角 落 ,拿 起 探 测 器 ,放 进 口 袋 里 ,然 后 回 到 出 口 。

She put her lab coat back on.

她 穿 上 实 验 服 。

\\\I\\u0027m heading back in to take a break.

Feel free to give the gravity machine a test drive!\\\

“我 要 回 去 休 息 一 下 了 。

随 便 你 试 试 重 力 机 器 !”

Gohan nodded, as that was exactly his plan.

悟 饭 点 了 点 头 ,因 为 那 正 是 他 的 计 划 。

when bulma made it down the ramp, she pulled the remote from her lab coat and used it to close the door back up.

当 布 尔 玛 走 下 斜 坡 时 ,她 从 实 验 服 口 袋 里 拿 出 遥 控 器 ,用 它 关 闭 了 门 。

with bulma gone, Gohan spun around to the reassembled gravity pillar and pushed the red button to activate the simulator.

在 布 尔 玛 离 开 后 ,悟 饭 转 身 来 到 重 新 组 装 的 重 力 柱 旁 ,按 下 红 色 按 钮 激 活 模 拟 器 。

on his remendation, they programmed the keypad to work with the mechanism, and so he simply typed in the gravity level he wanted: 25 G\\u0027s.

根 据 他 的 建 议 ,他 们 将 键 盘 编 程 与 机 制 配 合 使 用 ,所 以 他 只 需 输 入 他 想 要 的 重 力 水 平 :25 G。

Gohan\\u0027s knees buckled when the pressure dropped down onto him, but he was better prepared.

当 重 力 施 加 到 他 身 上 时 ,悟 饭 的 膝 盖 弯 曲 了 ,但 他 已 经 做 好 了 更 好 的 准 备 。

he straightened his posture and tried moving his arms, but his injuries bined with 25 times his body weight left

他 挺 直 身 体 ,试 着 动 了 动 手 臂 ,但 他 的 伤 势 加 上 25倍 的 体 重 让 他 ...

him a wreck.

Even taking one step forward took tremendous effort.

他 变 得 破 败 不 堪 。即 使 向 前 迈 出 一 步 也 需 要 巨 大 的 努 力 。

but in a fight with Frieza, he would have to overe struggles far worse than gravity.

然 而 ,在 与 弗 利 萨 的 战 斗 中 ,他 必 须 克 服 比 重 力 更 糟 糕 的 困 难 。

And so, Gohan squared his shoulders and threw the best punch his body allowed, even as he felt a pop in his bicep.

因 此 ,悟 饭 挺 直 肩 膀 ,尽 力 打 出 他 的 最 佳 一 击 ,即 使 他 感 觉 到 二 头 肌 有 一 声 脆 响 。

And he swung again, and again, and again, with both arms.

他 一 次 又 一 次 地 挥 动 双 臂 。

Just as Gohan was building up a good rhythm, he picked up a familiar Ki signal approaching.

就 在 悟 饭 正 好 找 到 良 好 的 节 奏 时 ,他 察 觉 到 一 个 熟 悉 的 气 息 信 号 靠 近 。

It was powerful, immediately putting him on alert.

那 是 一 种 强 大 的 气 息 ,立 即 使 他 警 觉 起 来 。

After quickly shutting off the gravity simulator and turning on the door, he hurried outside and saw his father flying towards capsule corporation.

迅 速 关 闭 重 力 模 拟 器 并 打 开 门 后 ,他 匆 忙 走 出 去 ,看 到 他 的 父 亲 正 飞 向 胶 囊 公 司 。

mid-flight, he noticed Gohan down below and froze.

在 飞 行 途 中 ,他 注 意 到 悟 饭 在 下 方 ,停 了 下 来 。

\\\Yo, Gohan!\\\

Gohan bristled with surprise as Goku jumped down to meet him in the grass.

“哟 ,悟 饭 !”

悟 饭 惊 讶 地 一 颤 ,因 为 孙 悟 空 跳 下 来 在 草 地 上 和 他 见 面 。

It was like the previous day hadn\\u0027t even happened - no bruises, no cuts, and even a fresh uniform.

就 像 前 一 天 根 本 没 有 发 生 过 一 样 -没 有 瘀 伤 ,没 有 伤 口 ,甚 至 连 衣 服 也 焕 然 一 新 。

And his power, even at rest, felt far greater than it had been before.

而 且 ,即 使 在 休 息 时 ,他 的 力 量 也 比 以 前 强 大 得 多 。

In one hand, he held a small, brown bag.

他 一 只 手 拿 着 一 个 小 巧 的 棕 色 袋 子 。

\\\did you recover with that bean?\\\

“那 颗 豆 子 让 你 恢 复 了 吗 ?”

\\\Yup!\\\ Goku patted his gi.

“是 的 !”孙 悟 空 拍 了 拍 他 的 道 着 。

\\\Korin came through right on time.

I came here to give you and Vegeta a couple while you train here.


“科 林 准 时 送 来 了 。

我 来 这 里 是 给 你 和 贝 吉 塔 各 送 来 几 颗 ,你 们 在 这 里 训 练 。”

Goku dug through the bag and took out two small, green beans.

孙 悟 空 从 袋 子 里 挖 出 两 颗 小 小 的 绿 豆 。

Gohan stared at them inquisitively.

悟 饭 好 奇 地 盯 着 它 们 看 。

\\\It only takes these tiny little beans to heal you?\\\

“只 需 要 这 些 小 小 的 豆 子 就 能 治 愈 你 吗 ?”

\\\It fills you up for ten days too, but that\\u0027s never worked on me.

“还 可 以 让 你 饱 食 十 天 ,但 对 我 从 来 没 有 起 作 用 。”

Gohan absent-mindedly nodded while he took the beans from Goku and stared at them in his palm.


they just looked like a couple of ordinary vegetables; they didn\\u0027t even possess an exotic, mystical aroma.


After looking back up at his father, he picked one up with his fingers and chomped down on it.


It tasted about as plain as white rice as its chunks traveled through Gohan\\u0027s stomach.


And then, his entire body went stiff with shock.


Not even a second after the bean entered his system, every inflammation, every ache, every bruise, every tear, every broken bone just fixed themselves.


In real time, he could feel his body reassembling, with his posture and joints reassuming proper positions.


And his energy - all of it returned, and more.


\\\holy shit…\\\


\\\heh, yup!\\\ Goku chuckled.


\\\they\\u0027re a helluva cheat code.


while Gohan stared incredulously at his palms and aimlessly moved his replenished arms around, Goku looked up at the spaceship and sighed.


\\\that old thing, huh?\\\ Goku\\u0027s usual cheer had subdued.


\\\Not exactly my favorite place in the world.


\\\Yeah, bulma told me,\\\ Gohan replied, diverting his attention from the bean\\u0027s fascinating touch.


\\\I get why you wanna train somewhere further from my house.



er, our.



ah whatever.








Goku scratched the back of his head.


\\\bein\\u0027 around me\\u0027s one thing, but I get why you don\\u0027t want your mom to see you just yet.


Gohan narrowed his eyes in frustration.


\\\And why do you think that is? So she doesn\\u0027t see how bad I am?\\\


when Goku frowned, Gohan shamefully rubbed his forehead.


he\\u0027d been projecting his self-consciousness onto everybody he\\u0027d encountered on Earth so far, for reasons he couldn\\u0027t decode, and he was just creating more problems.


And nobody had gotten it worse than his father.





not that,\\\ Goku replied, thoughtfully.


\\\well, not just that.


but it\\u0027s just all a lot to take in, ya know? You got Frieza hangin\\u0027 over you.


It ain\\u0027t the time to worry about this stuff.


You\\u0027re ready when you\\u0027re ready.


\\\If I\\u0027m ready,\\\ Gohan specified, if for no reason other than to keep his distance after Goku had said exactly what he wanted to hear.


he observed the second bean in his palm.


\\\Is this all we get, or are you holding out on us?\\\


Goku laughed.


\\\Nah, they\\u0027re slow to grow.


we only use \\u0027em in a serious pinch.



believe me, if we had a lotta these just for myself, I\\u0027d be way stronger than I am now.


but I can\\u0027t hog \\u0027em all.


the gravity chamber is brutal, and I never knew when piccolo was gonna strike.


can\\u0027t be laid up recoverin\\u0027 all the time.



A- 18 A+
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