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第18章 团聚18(1 / 2)

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\\\we\\u0027ve got medics here, so I\\u0027ll be fine.


Gohan placed the bean in his pocket.


\\\I\\u0027ll give this to Vegeta.


\\\Another good reason to stay here.


Goku tied the bag against his belt.


\\\I won\\u0027t even be able to keep up! You got doctors, the best chefs in the world, no wife and baby boy to look after back home like me-\\\




Goku hissed through his teeth like he\\u0027d been poked in a sensitive spot and rubbed the back of his neck.


\\\Um, well.





both of his brows arched resentfully, Gohan aimed his black eyes like lasers at his fidgety father.


\\\You have another son?\\\


with slumped shoulders, Goku took a labored breath.


\\\Yeah, you have a brother.


he\\u0027s two.


\\\So you and mom replaced me, then?\\\ Gohan\\u0027s voice lowered to a chilling growl.


Struck hard by Gohan\\u0027s accusation and wary of his squeezed fists, Goku raised his hands in an effort to calm him.


\\\No, of course not.


we could never replace-\\\


\\\I bet he has my room, doesn\\u0027t he?!\\\




\\\I\\u0027m going through hell in space and you\\u0027re giving some little fucking brat the world, aren\\u0027t you?\\\ contempt for someone he had never known nor seen venomously laced Gohan\\u0027s tone.


\\\tucking him in at night and stuffing his face while I\\u0027m sleeping on rocks and eating literal fucking garbage.


out of any serviceable answer, Goku frowned with his eyes on Gohan\\u0027s boots.


\\\what are you even doing here?\\\ Gohan\\u0027s voice came out like a pipe being squeezed.


\\\You\\u0027ve got your perfect little angel that\\u0027ll never bee a monster like your first son.


So do us both a favor and stop trying to figure me out.


\\\ Gohan turned around and marched to capsule corp\\u0027s entrance without looking back.


he felt Goku\\u0027s Ki drift away from the city; even worse, he could feel the sadness in his spirit.


but his father\\u0027s hurt feelings were paltry pared to the anger boiling inside Gohan.


he kicked the door open, nearly knocking it off the hinges and headed for wherever he sensed bulma\\u0027s ki.


She was in the living room sitting on the couch with a pink bucket in one hand and a remote control in the other, pointed at the black tV screen across from her against the burgundy wall.

她 坐 在 客 厅 里 的 沙 发 上 ,一 只 手 拿 着 一 个 粉 红 色 的 桶 ,另 一 只 手 拿 着 遥 控 器 ,对 着 对 面 的 黑 色 电 视 屏 幕 ,墙 壁 是 酒 红 色 的 。

\\\bulma!\\\ Gohan yelled to her surprise.

“布 尔 玛 !” 悟 饭 吼 道 ,让 她 吃 惊 。

\\\what\\u0027s up?\\\

“怎 么 了 ?”

\\\where the hell are your smokes?\\\ Gohan\\u0027s voice was labored as he looked around the room frantically.

“你 的 烟 到 底 在 哪 里 ?”悟 饭 的 声 音 带 着 劳 累 ,他 着 急 地 四 处 看 着 房 间 。

bulma sighed and sat the bucket down on the table.

布 尔 玛 叹 了 口 气 ,把 桶 放 在 桌 子 上 。

\\\okay, now I\\u0027m just not giving them to you because procuring cigarettes to a minor is illegal and my vagina will be the top meal in prison.\\\

“好 吧 ,现 在 我 不 给 你 是 因 为 为 未 成 年 人 提 供 香 烟 是 违 法 的 ,而 且 我 的 阴 道 将 成 为 监 狱 里 最 好 的 美 食 。”

\\\whatever,\\\ Gohan spat as he paced back and forth, trying to work out his true feelings over his apparent brother and his existence.

“随 你 便 。”悟 饭 边 踱 步 边 吐 槽 ,试 图 弄 清 楚 他 对 他 明 显 的 兄 弟 以 及 他 的 存 在 的 真 实 感 受 。

\\\Look, if you\\u0027re wound up or something, just do what I do when I\\u0027m serious about quitting smoking and get you some water or ice cream like I got here,\\\ bulma said, lifting the pink bucket to demonstrate.

“听 着 ,如 果 你 紧 张 或 者 有 其 他 原 因 ,就 像 我 认 真 戒 烟 时 一 样 ,拿 些 水 或 者 像 这 里 我 拿 的 冰 淇 淋 。”布 尔 玛 说 着 ,举 起 粉 红 色 的 桶 作 为 示 范 。

\\\Anything but fighting Vegeta in here.\\\

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默认 贵族金 护眼绿 羊皮纸 可爱粉 夜间